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<br />3 _A..mended: 9/4/01 <br />j Amended: 6/27/01 <br />1 ~s..meIlded: 1IH}/0l <br />Effective 9i5/00 <br />Citv of Co.::nterville Ord. #4 <br /> <br />developed. <br /> <br />B.A \ivcJthsn staternent including: <br /> <br />'1. <br /> <br />The approj'drnate date when constructiOl'"l <br />'NiH bagin by stage of deve!oprnent si"1cl <br />the area of open space to be provided at <br />each stage; and <br /> <br />~'" <br />" <br />~. <br /> <br />,Ii,greements, provisions or covenants <br />vvhich govern the use; nlaintenance and <br />continued protection of the development <br />and any of its cornmon open areas; and <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />Other condilions specifically required by <br />the C0l11mission and the Council 'for tile <br />particular pun. <br /> <br />Sectitli1 '!8l:J-2~;[): Action Cr, Final App!icatioi'L ProcedurE for action by H16 <br />Planning and Zoning Commission and the Council on an appiication for review <br />and approval of the finai plan ror a pun shall be the same as prescribed by this <br />eliicie ror tile action on the preliminary proposal. In giving approval, the Coullcil <br />may specify the length of time within which construction of the project must be <br />begun or be completed: and it rnay attach such oU"jer conditions as seenl <br />necessary. Tile final developrnent pian shall be in generai conformance wilti the <br />preliminary development plan as approved. <br /> <br />fit. Cd'u:erda 'i,or j~ppf((}Vi@t The firidings necessary for approval <br />01-: boih the preiirninary and 'final CleVe!Opn1Bnt plans silall be <br />based on the following and describe in what respect the plan <br />\vould or \j.jouJd not be in Hie public interest. <br /> <br />'1. The pian does nol conflict with the <br />Centerville Comprehensive Plan. <br /> <br />L The plan is designed to form a desirable <br />clnd unified development within its own <br />boundaries. <br /> <br />::. The proposed uses will not be <br /> <br />P:-:10',,"" 70 nf H? <br />