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<br />3 A._mended: 9/4/01 <br />2 j....J.llen,-i.ed: 6/27/01 <br />j .'-";,.mended: UlO/Ol <br />Effective 9/5/00 <br />City of Cent>3.fville Ord. #4 <br />detrimental to present and future land <br />use in the surrounding area.. <br /> <br />4. Any exceptions 10 the standard <br />(;3quirements or the Zoning and <br />Subdivision OrcHnances are Justifie(l by <br />the design of the development. <br /> <br />5. The pian 'vvHl riot create an -excessive <br />burden on parks, schools, streets, and <br />other publicraciiities and utilities \ivhich <br />serve or are proposed to serve the PUO. <br /> <br />13 l'kti'H:;ompiifmce, In the '.:;vent the plan 8S submitted tor final <br />approval is not in substantial GO!Tlpliance vvHh tlie pre!iilljnar:/ <br />deve!oprnent plan, the Planning and Zoning Commission <br />shall notify the applicant vviihin forty-five (45) days O'f the date <br />of applicatioil, $e!iing forth the ways in which the plan is not in <br />substantial compliance <br /> <br />"j. Ti'16 applicant (nay treat :such notification <br />as denial of preliminary approval; or <br /> <br />2. The appiicant (nay re-me his plan so that <br />it does substantially comply with the <br />outline deve!oprnent pleIn; or <br /> <br />3. Th(~ appllcant rna)i file a \i\ifitten reqlJ~jst <br />\;~;!th the Pk:;nn;ng 8ncl ZO(II(I~~ <br />COlliiTii'3Sicn that it hold a oubiic hearincl <br />, ,> <br />on his 1'<3QU8st 'for final approval. Any <br />such hearing shaH be held within tlliiiy <br />(30) days after the request for SLlch <br />11881'ing. Within TO/iy-five (45) days of <br />sLlch hearing the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission shall either grant or deny <br />pre!inlinary' approval to the plan <br /> <br />B. f~nidi j~ppn:nlE1~" The City' Council shall cevie'N and appfov6 <br />the Final Development Plan if it Is in substantial compliance <br /> <br />Page 7101'32 <br />