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<br />3 P..mended: 9/4/01 <br />2 An1.ended: 6127/01 <br />1 A.mended: 111010 1 <br />Effective 9/5/00 <br />City of Ceutervil1e Ol'd. #.:1- <br />impair established property values within the surrounding <br />area, or in any other respect impair tile public health, safety, <br />or welfare of the residents of the cily; and <br /> <br />E. Any person filing a petition requesting a variance or an <br />amendment of the Zoning Ordinance rezoning property or <br />changing mgulations within any use district shall pay a fee <br />aecorcling to the Schedule established by resolution of the <br />City Council. The fee is payable at the time of fiiing a Petition <br />and is not refundable. <br /> <br />Section 185.010: Board of Appeals ,nil! Adjustmei"nts. TI-ie Planning and <br />Zoning COlllmission shaH ad as the 80anj of Appeals and Adjustments and shall <br />have the power to hear and recommend requests for the following: <br /> <br />.,0,.. Interpretatio,,: Hearing appeals where it is alleged that <br />there is an error in a decision or judgment made by an <br />Administrative Officer in the interpretation or enforcement of <br />this Ordinance or in the interpretation of Zoning District <br />boundaries; and <br /> <br />B. Variam::e,,: Recommend variances from iileral ordinance <br />requirements in instances where strict enforcement would <br />cause undue hardship because of circurnstancss unique to <br />the individual property under constrllction. <br /> <br />See/ion HI5-I}:;W: VarianciEI i"rm::etl;.,re" <br /> <br />A. .A.pplications provided by the City' rnust be Go!'npieted in \Mriting <br />prior to any consideration of Variance Petitions. Fees for <br />Variances are established by resolution of the City Council. <br /> <br />B. The Board of ,4,ppeals end Adjustments may ;-equire the <br />applicant \0 provide copies 01' plans, maps, surveys, etc., as <br />deemed necessary, 10 ensure proper review and <br />consideration of variance petitions. <br /> <br />C After filing an application, the City Clerk shall set a date for a <br />public hearing Notice of ti,e hearing shaii be posted and <br /> <br />Pag.e 75 of 82 <br />