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<br />"Amended: 91410] <br />.2 Amended: 6/27/01 <br />1 Alllended: 1/10/01 <br />Effective 9/5/00 <br />City of Centerville Ord. #4 <br />Si.'Ictil:m 130-28(1; H,3rm"own"ro Al>i!>ordatim.. If a homeowners association is <br />created, lh<3 applicant shall submit pians at the lime of final plan or development <br />and documenls which explain: <br /> <br />A. Ov'i/nerst'jip and rnernbershjp fequirernents; and <br /> <br />B. Artides of incorporation antj bY!GVvB; and <br /> <br />C~. Tirne 8t\!'Jhich the deveioper turns the assc)dation over to t!"'if3 <br />hOn160Vi/ners; and <br /> <br />D Approximate monthly or jiearly association ree for <br />homeowners; and <br /> <br />E_ Specific listing of jterilS {j'A+ned in cornrnon including such <br />iterns as roads, recreation facilit!!3:3j parldng COnlIT10n open <br />space grounc\: and lJtHities. <br /> <br />Oivisi(;!'l '1(55: ''\Iarjiil.!"'';''''' <br /> <br />Standa~"d:s <br />The Pianning Conmlissic:;i'l shaii l'eCornrnend 8 \/arianc6 and -ale Council shall <br />order the issuar1ce of such \/arh~nce Of'lIV jf it corrforrns to the follo\jijjnq standards: <br />, - <br /> <br />A. Specla! conditions EHltj drCLllTistaf'jCes Eixist \;!vhich are peculiar <br />to the landl structure, or building involved and do not result <br />rrorn th(~ actions err th~3 petitioner; .and <br /> <br />c. LiitJI,;:-:d ij llerpreialiQr~ Of the prUViSJOnS 01 HiLs Ordii1afK;e vvouid <br />(Jeprive the petitioner cif rights Gornrnonly enjoyed b}/ other <br />prOI)erti-es in Ule san16 district under U'i6 terrns O'f this <br />Ordjnancf~:; and <br /> <br />C, G(3ntlng the Variance requested v\iii! not confer on the <br />appiicant ari}/ special privilege that is denied by U1is <br />Ordinance to oU'ler lands, structures, or buildings in lhe same <br />district; and <br /> <br />O. The pn.;pos;sd Variance \i\fHI not lfopair an adequate supply nf <br />light and air -Co adjacent property, or unreasonably dtrninish or <br /> <br />Page 74 of82 <br />