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<br />3 Amended: 9)410] <br />2 ilmendecL 6/27/01 <br />1 iunended: 1/10/01 <br />Effective 9/5/00 <br />CitY of Centerville Ord. #~ <br /> <br />B. The City Council shall have the power and duty of hearing <br />and deciding appeals where it is alleged that there is an error <br />in any onler, requirement, decision or determination made by <br />the administrative officer, enforcement officer, or by the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission in the administration or <br />enforcenlent of this Ordinance. <br /> <br />C Pmc"dUJP,," An appeal for Administrative Review rnay be <br />taken to tile Council by any person, firm or corporation or any <br />city officer, department, or agency affected by an adverse <br />decision in the administration or enforcement of this <br />Ordinance. Such an appeal shall be taken by fiiing a Notice <br />of Appeal specifying the grounds thereof ','\lith the Zoning <br />Administrator, and the Council within thirty (30) days after the <br />decisioll. if the Appeal is not taken by the owner of the <br />property, which is tile subject matter of !l'le decisioll appealed <br />from, the Notice shall not be so filed until after it has been <br />servI3d upon such ovvner either in person or by mail. The <br />Zoning Administrator shall fOlihwith transmit to the Coullcil all <br />papers constituting the record upon which the aclion <br />appealed from was tal,en. An Appeal for an P..dministrative <br />Review or a Variance stays all proceedings, including criminal <br />proceedings in furtherance of the action appeElled from <br />unless the Zoning Administrator certifies to the Council that <br />by n9Eson of facts stated in the celiificate a st.aY' \lvould1 in ilis <br />opinion, Gause imminent peri! to life or property In that case <br />the proceedings shall not be stayed other\ivise than by a <br />nS$tr;~in!no order Q:2r:ted t:V;] Dc~_>:rt [if ;-'::;IJilip6t,sj"Ti: judsdiciit,H i. <br />The Council shall at its next regula!" meeting after the filing of <br />8n Appeal to it from a decision of the board set a date for <br />hearing tllereon, which Sl1811 be not late than sixty (60) days <br />after the meeting. After hearing the oral or written views of all <br />interested persons, the Council shalll11ake Its decision at the <br />same meeting or at a specified future meeting thereof. The <br />decision of tile Council may be appealed to the County <br />District Court <br /> <br />D!v~si()n_ .~~O~ intGi'~n~ U$cS <br /> <br />1- <br /> <br />;3r,{'_::.. '{'Q o~. ~?;! <br />1 <.<.5.... 'v 1,--,.... <br />