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<br />] Amende-d: 9/4/01 <br />'1 ~tunended: f:,/27/01 <br />1 P.L.i'l1tnded: 1/1 0/0 1 <br />Effective 9/5/00 <br />City of Ccmerville Ord. #.oj <br />Section .19!}.:iJHl: PlJrpo,""" In addition to the purposes staled in Section 2 of <br />this Ordinance, it is intended that the Interim Use Permit procedures allow <br />flexibility in the use of land or structures in the City, when such uses are not <br />permanent and when such uses meet appropriate conditions and performance <br />standards tllat protect the public health, safety and welfare. <br /> <br />Sect~on .{~ 90=i):20: App~~cat~on~ Pt)JbH~; ~"-iear~h1gt 3lifljd Pn.1iGsdvJre> The <br />application, pubiic hearing, notice and procedure requirements 1'01 Interim Use <br />Permits shall bi:; tile S:3me as 1I1OS(3 for hnendmel1ts, as provided in Section 703 <br />aT this Ordinance. if a proposed in!erirn Lise is not listed as a permitted interim <br />use in this Ordinance, a text amendrnent to this On.iinance vvill be required before <br />an Interim Use Penni! may be considered. <br /> <br />Section "i!JiO"030: Tif:rmiri,ation, All interim Use Permits shall terminale on the <br />happening of any of the tolio\/ving events, whichever first occurs: <br /> <br />A. fhe date sts;ted 0(1 tr}8 penni!, <br /> <br />B. Upon ';inietior. of tile condition under which the permiiwas <br />issued. <br /> <br />C. Upon change in tt"!8 City's zoning reguialions that (e(1(16(.S th6 <br />use non-conforrning. <br /> <br />S~~;tuvn '~S~)~i.J40: B.itrindianji~~ The 1nteflrn Use (nust {:)6 dno\lvadin the Zonjrlg <br />District 'INhere the property' is located. The interirn Use, nlust meet or exceed the <br />~.".-t.o,wla~".."...t".'ll.'d~'.'j'''' ~e..t I.'U"'I"I"' I.,'.' 1'1" JI'", ('.'1'0'1.1"',.""'''' ",'1'.,. '--'"1.",' ~'u'''J'I'ca 0' I," i~I'l'Y <br />1"";"",l I r I - I lo->t ,:);....1 . i '. v .::. .., . t l 1 'v ~.~> ;d .i.....-=.. ..... ... -' I c: \::l.~.I ~ c; v <br />Ordinanc,:js, Tile jnhj(inl use e!lust cOffiply vv,ith the specific s'tanciards for U'16 use <br />i,-.j-.:.,,,~l in 'l'hi~~ ri(dil"''':H'~I"''<'' ~:.':tn"~ ""-~ :'C7::" "-.,...'.......~~~;,,,/ ':.:~.~ .;::;~i '.."'..'U.:',.,',>("Jl';': ,....j': .:;;npv'i"'!V81' \1\.,'1"""1'.' <br />lC" ~" ".(.- .... .. . '.' ..'~ __. ....., __.. .....~~1 "",j "-' I' l..'.....t '.....VI, 11","1.; \i1Jlu I '-<II "-' ,J. ",'..... U !;;;lr .I '-' J_ 1 " ,I v <br />shall be lnc:luc1ed in an intsrlrn USE: pennii agr\3erneni. <br /> <br />" " 't.o ..." .~..,. ,..,.... t' j.' . If <br />~.~~."".,.., .,.', A'~'" 'h."'""',""'~ ",-,'" 'I'.y'" "1'1'''' a...t~'''ll -o.'r".I',",'.'I'" l.h ,..,'"..,....v.," ,.', " <br />\lJ1IV'l.Pll.a"J;~i ~.g '!J""'<s, ,,",,~j~~lJ..>l~a. 'u~h~" I \;;; .....~' \. t ay wlL...l.,;, U i..... U e'F!') U _. '-' ...... <br />permillo miligale anticipated adverse il'npacts associated with the use, to ensLlre <br />compliance with ([1& standards Of approval, to protect the value Of other propel'iy, <br />and to achieve the goals and objectives (If Hie Compre!iensive PIeri <br /> <br />D~'!.jh,;;gon '~'95: A~nenrh~lltd~t~ <br /> <br />,'. <br />I"":.. <br /> <br />AJYlendrnents to this (jfdir'!c.ll"1Ce rnav be inHiatec! bv the <br />. . <br />Planning and Zoning Cornrnissian1 City' Council or by a <br /> <br />P~-l'.;f~ j"q ...yf f{') <br />