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<br />LMc <br /> <br />lAagutl 0/ Mi"nG.ola CitHu <br />Cib"u ",.,mOO"g a411Ta.c. <br /> <br /> <br />7 <br />:~ <br />.l.. ClTYOFFOIU;ST~';;4; <br />1\ ORDINANCENO.448 .,..... <br />AN ORDINANCE TO LICENSEAJil5 <br />REGULATE SAUNAS AND MASSAGE <br />PAlIL()RS IN-THE CITY OF FOIlES\' <br />-LAKE. .'-- - . :-'( <br />The City Council of the elly of FOriiil <br />Lake, Minnesota herebyordalns; ',- <-Z: <br />That Cl>apter 29 0' tho City CodO 01 U;';; <br />City of Forest Lake " .......", repeoJe!! <br />and a new Chapter 29l$ subsUtuted IIilfi <br />plaee as fQUows:.,:.9".$.~ <br />ClIAPTER29' c,l!t; <br />SAUNA AND MASSAGE PARLORS'''~ <br />See. 29.0' STATEMENT OF POLICY" <br />The Clly Cowlcll of the City 01 F..... <br />lAe ...... It necessary to jlroYtdelor <br />the IpedaI and expreM regu1athjqY., <br />bushl;"""'cb or eomm~ ~< <br />w operate as massale parJon;iaUo: <br />ass and similar adult orientated ~' <br />es operating under different 'Umed:fii <br />order 10 prote<' the pIlblle _Ih, oi(e4'. <br />and weUare and to guard agaiDatt6lf~7 <br />ception and transmisstoa of discase':t'tiIe <br />City CawlcfIlurther /bWs lhat == <br />cial .......,..,... such as the ~. <br />scribed above. and all otbet'ilinl'-1( <br />establishments whose serViceS: laduilro <br />...moos 011..... to adults, ~"':li! <br />private by Memben of the ...... .'lit"'".. <br />opposite sex.. and employiDa -, .--.' <br />with. DO sl;l8Cialized tralniDg, are ., .- <br />UbJo to apcraUoo in a JJUlImeJ" ~ <br />venIng, lubvertl11g or ~lhO <br />morals of the eommlUlity by beb'Ir:ttae <br />site 0( acts ot~titudoa. .lIllclC SU" ilXl <br />,....10" 01 violilifatm.., 16u,"~ <br />ingcl...tnspeeli...~~_rojl\i'. <br />laUon." ,.'<,'"', ....IIt! - i:,\"'f_' <br />_1beClty_~also~.~~.# <br />ttol anef regulation ot commercial <br />estabUshmenta or these typtS, In view 0( <br />the abuses'often perpetrated., require in- <br />t.ensiveeUorts by thePoUce~t <br />and other departmenls of the Cily; Asa <br />consequence, the COO('entrated use, III <br />City services In such control ~tracts <br />fram and reduces the level of aervlce- . <br />.\'aiJabJe t.a tbe resl 01 tbe conunwIit:y <br />and thereby diminishes the ability of the <br />City to promote the general health. wel-- <br />fare, morals'and safety of the eommuat. <br />ly. <br />Sec. 29.02 DEFINITIONS <br />As used in this Chapter the terms de- <br />fined shall have the meanings aacrlbed <br />tol:hem, ' <br />(a) Busines$ License: A license lssucd <br />by the City aulhortling the practlce'Or <br />administering oC, massage << Ute 0pera- <br />tion of a sauna on premises witbln the <br />City of Forest Lake. . <br />(bl Massage: The rubblng, Strotiag, <br />kneadlng, lapping or rolling 0( the body <br />01 another With the band:! for tmtexd~ <br />sive purpooe of physical "tness; reIax. <br />alion, beauUficaUOb and for bO other <br />p...".... . <br /> <br />Research and Information Service <br /> <br />(c) Massage Cettificate: A eertificate <br />Issued by ~ City to . D:laJ&CUI'Or mas- <br />seuse authOrizins tbe- bolder' tbereol to <br />practke oradmlniater. massage In the <br />CJtyofFon~tl..ake. .-~. ' <br />. (d) ~ Parlor: Any premise$ at <br />or In whicb~ce is performed. . . <br />. (e)~: AmaJB~W~prac. <br />tieeaoradnUDistersmassage.",'. ,'" <br />(f) ~: A female person Who <br />practices Off lidmllllaten massage, <br />(g) saun:!,: A steam bath orbeat lNJth- <br />ing room ~ for the purpose of bath- <br />Ing, re18JiDg.~ reducing utilizing steam <br />or hot air .. a cleaning, relaxing or re- <br />dudog'ageol. ' . <br />D~GulSilED 29.ll3MASSAGE, <br />The practlee of massage Is hereby de- <br />clared to 00 distinct from the practice of <br />medicine, sUrgery, osteopathy; Chir0- <br />practic, ph~lcal therapy, or ~.try <br />and penom;.:dl.I.W..Ucenstd,bt this State to: <br />practice~, ItU"gBrY, ostOOpathJr.' <br />chiropractic, pby!&lCaI tberapy; Or~- <br />try, and nlU'SeS who work solely ~ <br />the direction oIsUc:b pe:rsOas; are l1erdJ)' 1 "! ' <br />.....".}y~J......lI!":~~', <br />of lIlIs Chapt<r:s.auly 'eul",""" ai>d <br />barbers who do not give, or bold, ~- <br />selves out to give, massage treatmeD!S.' <br />as defined. hereiQ. otber than is cua~ <br />arily given In such shops or placs: 'I. <br />busineSS. lor the purpose of beaU~~. <br />tion oDly shall be exempt frolD. the~; <br />SiObS of this Chapter. . ,',i'f.-.f.l <br />Athletic di.r'e(tonf and trainett.",lf.tJIJe! <br />perform massages in the ~ .o(~,'i <br />athletic program. or event wbich ls,~,:! <br />sore<! by a local unit o( governmerit, ,~" <br />na fide educaUooal Institutlon com, p1y~ 1\ <br />inS with state or local regulatloos. bona <br />fide churches, synagogues or lIIsUt.u-' <br />tions of organited religion or bona Ode. <br />non-profit civic organizalioos are ex. <br />pressly excluded (rom the requirements \ <br />of Uris Chaplet' provided that the per. <br />fonning of massages is subsidiary to the <br />performing of other services and tasks. , <br />~ Sec. 29.04 BUSINESS LICENSE HE- ) <br />QUlRED' I <br />Subd. 1. No person shall engage Ia the. I <br />busineiS {Jf Dpcraling a sauna or mas- ; <br />sage parlor either exclusively or in cOD. II <br />nection with any other busineSS enter- <br />prise without obtaining a busbJes4 <br />"cense as provided 1b this Chaplet'. <br />Subci. 2. Whenevet' any establishment' <br />ceases to be licenseO as a massage par-" <br />lor or sauna whether through the sus. <br />pension, cancelmUon, revocation,'~ <br />newal or lapse of its license, its owners : <br />shall Immediately l:'emove from public <br />view any sign or display which identifle5 <br />the establishmen. t as being a sauna or ~' <br />massage parlor or as offering sauna or <br />massage services. <br />See. 29.05 CONTENTS OF APPLICA. <br />TION FOR BUSINESS LICENSE i <br />Application for a buaiaesS license <br />shall be made only on the forms provid- <br />ed by (be City CIerlt. Four complete c0p- <br />ies of the applicaUon sba1l be furnished <br />to the office of the City Clerk COGtaining <br />the following information: <br />tal addre$s and legal description 0{ <br />the property to be used; <br />lbl the names, addresses and phone <br />nwnbers of the owner, lessee, if any, <br />and tne operataf'"ot manager: <br />(c) the name, address and telephone <br />number of two persons who sbaII be resi. <br />dents o( Washington County and who <br />may be called upon to attest to the appli. <br />eanfs, manager's or operator's charnc. ' <br />ter: <br /> <br />Classification <br /> <br />~Cj r- <br />.fr;vQ,st Ww <br />~ <br /> <br />Municipality <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />SeC. 29.117 GRANTING 011 DENIAl <br />OF LICENSES . <br />License app1lcaUona aball be revlewec <br />(d) whethtr tbe applicant, manager or by the poJJcr ~ PJa.lUliDc De. <br />operator has ever heeD coaviCted of a partment. aDd JUCb other ~~ <br />crime or offease other thaa a traffic:: of. The the Cfty Clerk sbaD deem DIlCIlIIU')' <br />fense and, If so, complete and accurate of tbe~~i~= :,~~ <br />information as to the time, place and na- UGb by the Building lDapector. Fin <br />ture of such crime or offense including Department to determioe wbetbC:f'the <br />lhedisposlUontbereol; . PrenUses conforms to aU a~ble <br />(e} the Damell and addresses. 01. all COOe teQUlremeQt3, F-- ~~ <br />creditors o! the applicant, owner, JesSee, shall be made in writing to the'.-Ctly <br />or managel" IDSOfar as and regarding Clerk. Thereafter, UQeDSeS <br />credit which bas been extended (or the granted or denied by tile CJ:tr CJed: sUb. <br />purposes 01 ",..tru<ih>g, equipping. )eel to the provislons. of l6b aia1>ter <br />:~~ ~:::es~ ~~:. ~.,appliC8Dt ~y a~;~;u.e.:1=itj <br />feels, equipment or anything incldeu:t to Council from the CIert's ~~'~ <br />the atabJisbmeGt, maintemDceand op- See. 29.08 CONDlTIONSGOV2RN- <br />eration of the massage parlor or mas. ING ISSUANCE OF A. BUSlNEss'LJ <br />sage estabUshment; . ...' CENSE '.' . - <br />en ff the apptication Is made Od behaU ,Subd: I., No ~ liceD8e..shaQ be <br />of a corporation. joint business VeDture, tssued if the applicant or any of itS own. <br />partnersbip or any legally constituted ers, ~etS, managers, employees or <br />business association, It shaU aufunlt agents IS a pet'SOQ of bad repute <br />along with lls appUcatlotl. accurate'and Subd. 2. Busint:sa licenses ~'be is- <br />complete busineA records sbowiDa the sued only tr the applicant and aU of its <br />names and addresses or alllDdividuaIs 0WIH!r5. lessees, managers, employees <br />having an interest in the buslness~ In- and agent:' are free 0( convlctioDs tor of. <br />cluding partners, ottlcers, owners m.iJJ.- fe";Se9 whi~ Involve morallurpltude or <br />agen', members of the board of dlrec- w~ relat!' directly to such . 's <br />tors, aad creditors furnishing credit for ability, capacity, or fitness to ~ <br />the estabUslunent, aeq1lisiUon, malnf.e.. ~ duties ~ discharge the resp:l&UbU- <br />nance and fumishlng of sa\d business I. lUes of the licensed actl\tity <br />eluding the purchase or aCquisition of Sub((, 3. ,Licenses sball ~ l$sueel 0flI <br />any items or personal property for use In to appJj~Qts who have hOt, Within ~ <br />said operation. year pn~l' to the date 01 application, <br />(gl camplete aud accurate documeil- ~ demed licensure; or who have not <br />taUon establishing the Interest of tbe ap- Within such period had their Ucense re- <br />pliant and any other penon haviug aD voked, <br />interest in the premises upon or in wbieh Subd. 4. Ucenses shall be Ja:suedoal <br />tbc business Is proposed to be located In to applicaats wbo have answered ruu~ <br />the form of a lease, deed. COntract for all o! th~ !bformaUon reqUested in the <br />deed, mortgage deed, mortgage crtdlt appllcatlOD, have paid. the Cull license <br />arrangement, loan agreements,:sectlJity fee .and have cooperated with the ~ in <br />agreements aad any other documents review 01 tbeappUcation ' <br />establlshlng the interest of the applicant Subd. 5. i\ nccnse ahali not be graQted <br />or any other person in Ute opel"ation. ae- to an appliCant wbo is under the ageq 18 <br />qulsltion, Ol" maintenance of the enter- years. <br />priseolferlng massage; Subel. 6. Licenses may be granted only <br />(b} the appllcationsball also contain ~or l~tions- with business zobes aU - <br />blueprints. di~ms, plans, layouts and U1g slmiJar,actlvities. ow <br />the like showing the construction, revt- Subel. 7. LlcCQ$C!J may be granted 'onIy <br />sion, remodeUng, alteration or addttJoaa ~ estab~enls whicb can meet the <br />of or to the premises aad speclficaUy safety, . tary and buildID& cocIc reo <br />showing the, design and arraDge- quiremen 01 tbeCity. . ~.'," <br />ment of the bathing anQ resLrQOm Caem. Subd. 8. A.LIcense shaJJ not ~,rU1ed ~ <br />ties and the size and type of ~uipment if gr!lDting license (a) would be .. <br />andfacllitJes to be used, consl:ltent ,with tbe compreheusive de- <br />See, 29.06 BUSINESS LICENSEf'EE, velopm,ent plan of the CiCy, or (bl would <br />LICENSE INVESTIGATION FEE .\NO othel'Wlse have a detrimental effect up. <br />LICENSE YEAR o~ ,the property or properties in the vi. <br />Tbc invtsUgation fee shall be $250.00 clJUty. <br />and the 8Mual Iicenac' fee sball be See, 29.09 CONSTRUCTION AND <br />$150.00. A license unless revoked, is (or MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS <br />the calendar year or a part thereof. for Subd. 1. Eacb Il~nsed premises sba11 <br />which it has been issued, Tbe liceuse fee have a separate restrooIn Cor members <br />and lee for the Investigatiob of the n- of each sex. <br />ceme application shaD be paid when the ,Subd. 2. Floors, walls and equipmeut <br />applleatiou i8llJed. ID tMeveDl: that the ID massage rooms, restrooms 4Dd bath- <br />application is denied or the license, ooce ~ms must ~ kept in a state 0( good re- <br />issued, is revoked, canceled or s~ pair and SiltIItary condition at aU times <br />deted, DO part 0( the 8llJU18.I uCCIIM (ee Linen and other IDJIterWs shaD ~ <br />and Investigation fee sball be returned stored at ~east twelve inches off the <br />to the applicant unIesI by express aetloa noor. <br />of the City CouQci1. A separate llceue SuDd. 3. ladlviduaJ. lockers shall be ' <br />shall be obtainOO. each year for .each made available for use by patrvGs, with , <br />pJsce 01 business. The lIcensee &b.aU db- ea~ locker having separate tIys ror <br />play the license in a prominent pli:c:e bt I lockmg, <br />the licensed premiseS at aU Urnes AU. Subd. 4. Each licensed premises sbaU I <br />cense (or the operation 0( a m.s..ger' p~vlde adequate re'use receptlcles <br />parlor or aauna is nontranslerabie w~lch shall be emptied as!;'eo. <br />" I q\llred. .'~ . <br />Subd, 5, The doors to tM iQdlvldliliJ <br />m.assage rooms shan not be equipped <br />wtth any 1000k:ing device qCJr sba.U they. he <br />locked or ob3tructed (rom eitber..fde tJ/ <br />the dOOr. EaCh individual massage room <br />~Il tontmn a private dressing area <br />With hot and cold running water. CIeaa <br />towels, wash clothll amI linens must be <br />avniL1bJe fnreacn customer. : <br />