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<br />SIt Main entrance dOOl'll to the , <br />ptaD ;'\&U be unlocked at aU times I <br /> \nes8 hours, , <br />See.. '. M/oSS AGE. CEIl T1.. FI CAT! "J. <br />1lEQtII. 0 <br />No~tbaU puform.~ lel"o <br />""". withii:l~:"'~le <br />c:ertilicateas bf ~... <br />so<:" 29.11 PLiCA- <br />TION FOR lIAssAGE CERTIFICATE <br />M appHc:at1oa for a muup. eertlfi.. <br />catethaU btmade only 011 tor'lDl ~d- <br />ed by the City. The aOPll<Atl..: oba1I <br />contain the ColJowlng biformaUoa to- <br />Cetber with any other lalormatJoo the <br />CI',...,_: . <br />(.II Evidence of the applleant s educa- <br />UocaJ qualifieatlons, including di~f!:..~ <br />or certifiedlcopies of degrees, ~ <br />oreert1llcates, if any, ~__ln..... <br />neeiving at. least. \00 hoors .... ~~""R>U. <br />tbera=~ massage . trab1in8. .ftc.9g- <br />nfzed and a pted by a state or I18tioDal. <br />~ . therapeutle.......e,.~ <br />nizaUon. . .' :. '..,__' <br />(b) Evfdl!aee o{ a llcant s praetlCal <br />quaUflcalioPs to praltfce massage. .. . . ... <br />(d The ~mes and addresses ~ tw ;., <br />persons, ~denlS of Washingtoii ~... <br />ty, who may be referred to as. toth.'!"..'~'\ <br />pUcant's chi.ractel'. , ,', ,,"_""~ <br />, ldl WheU>>er the appUeatJem bas ever <br />been eonvie.ted oC a crime 01' ~flense_6_: <br />er than a offense. and if so, inf~,~ <br />matioQ as to" ,the time, place and na~ 0 <br />of~=I~~~~ofa~(' <br />eertlIieate r.: a licensed ph~(I"'/ <br />pracUcing Mlnnesota .indicating ,,)._ <br />that withinlhe past 30 days the ~-: <br />clan bas ~ the app~cant, a~> <br />(ill that sud1 ~.l:Ion._W~!~. ~ <br />purpose of detemi..iDiDs whether me ap-. <br />plleant had any communicable dbease. <br />and (iii) that 88 a result of ~ QUlil1- <br />naUOII he believes that applicant is <br />lIufferiog from aoy communicable <br />ease which would disqualify the a _ <br />"'nn in tho ~.tIelI."', <br />cant (rom. eaga&,-""O ....~,,-.,..>.l1'. <br />massage. ~ ,-,l-it.., <br />See. 29.12 CERTIF~CATE FEE, CER- <br />TIFICATE INVESTIGA;rJOl:lc AND <br />CERTfFICATEYEAR,.~<,,'.:,.- . <br />The Inveoligatlon ... oba1I be $50.00 <br />and tbe annual ctrtiflcate fee sbaU be <br />$25.00. The certificate year lIba11 be thebe <br />calendar year and a' certiflcate sbalI <br />valld for the ~,ol the caJeodar <br />year in which it is issued. Tbe C'ertiflcate <br />fee and lee for lnvestigatiOll for the CC1"- <br />UlIcatc sball_be paid when the app1lca~ <br />lion is filed. to the event tbat the appli- <br />cation is dedled or that' the certlflea~ <br />once issued, is revoked. canceJed 01" sur- <br />rendered no Part of the annual certifi~ <br />cate fee ~ investigation fee for the . <br />IUanee of a ceitmcate sbaU be returned <br />to the applicaDt unless by express aetioo <br />of the City CouneU. A separate ~- <br />eate shall be obtained each year.-Tbe <br />certificate holder shall display the cer- <br />tificate in a pnmliDent place in _the. 11-. <br />censed premises at all Urnes. A Certifi- <br />cate perm.tttiPg the bolder thereof. to <br />practice massage is nontransferable. <br />See. 29.1HNVESTIGATlON OF AP- <br />PLIC....TlON <br />Certllleate Applications, lIhItll be re-- <br />viewed by tbe.pqli~_~ent which <br />shall furnisb written rccommendaUom <br />to the City Clerk. 1'berJlifter eertillcates <br />shall be granted or denied by the CIty <br />Clerk subject to the provisions of this <br />Chapter. The appltcanl,may appeal teJ. <br />the City Council from #ie C1erk'~ . decI. <br />sion. ;' , <br />Sec. 29.14 CONDITIONS GOV2RN-p p <br />fNG ISSUANCE OF A MASSAGE CER._ <br />TIFICATE ' I <br />Subd, 1. Certificates shall be issued <br />only to penons who have received aDd . <br />can furnistl proof of reeei..,ing at least <br />tOO hours of certified therapeutic mas. <br />sage training recognized and accepted \ <br />by a slate or national professional thera- <br />peutic massage organization, <br />Subd. a Certifi.cales !lha.ll be issued <br />only to persons of good repute aDd per- <br />sons who are in good health and tree <br />{rom any communicable diseases which <br />would disqualify the applicant from ea. <br />gaging ill the practice of massage. . <br /> <br />Subd. J, Certillcates sbaU be IuuecI <br />only to persons free of eonvictiou ror d:- <br />fenses which iPvoIve IDinJ turpitude or <br />which relate directl)' to such person'" <br />abiUty, capacity. or fItDess to perform <br />(be duUet and dbchar1e the respouibU. <br />llies of the oeaIpaUoll::" <br />Subd. .. Certl/leataitlhaU not be la- <br />sued to persons wbir'lIbe. within me-) <br />year prior to the date 01 appu.catiQD, <br />heeD denied c:ertU1c18oa; Of' wbo. baWl <br />bad his crber ~te revobd or IRII'- <br /> .'.'jialJtlcaJ iubdiyj. <br />slOd.IIlUilfMp.!f~~~State~~J <br />"'S:i.;. ~... .ban i,;.......1 <br />oaly to applicaats wbo have tuUy' _It <br />trutbfully answered all 01 the iaforma:"" ~ <br />Uon requested in the _Icatl~ ~~ <br />paldlhelWleertilIc:ate_and .," <br />tion investigatiOD fee. , " . <br />subd. 8. Certificates shaD be. . <br />only to persons 18 years 01 age or o1der:~:.: <br />sec. 29.1S RESTRlrnONS:'AM> <br />REGULATIONS .. _ '/1~;, <br />subd. I. No buaInesa Uceusee sb;ill,~.t <br />ploy any persod as a ~ or,~ <br />same without 6nt 1aIUriag thal:.<\( <br />em~yee possesses a, valid ~':O' <br />for the admiaistratton or practtcer}it- <br />massage. The cec1i~cateSbaU be ~ <br />neotJy aDd openJy displayed em tbeci>"".. <br />mises. . ..~_:-. " <br />Subd-. 2. Tbe Uceosed premises shalt' <br />not be opetI or in operaUoa between. ~..~ <br />bour:s of ll:00P.M. and 8:00 A.M.,oaJ!!t <br />SU"""""day norslalll..,,_. <br />.gaged in tho _"_~..: <br />said premises or perlqrm any ~e' <br />or admiaister auy sUeb servfces,\. _ ~ <br />tween the hours of 11:00 ,P.M. aD~V,~~' <br />!\.M... thesueeeedlngd.!l'.'... <br />Subd. 3. The -".''''"'''''!'''!.: <br />masseur and aay.persG118 ia ~-~~. <br />ploy or agents or ofllCcin tI1eN6tt~- <br />aoy and aU penons witb,halerest Q(, <br />b........ shaU comply IrilIl aU a~: <br />ble ordinances. regu1atlOba and laWa_~ <br />tho ClIy of F.....' Lake.1IIe State .. JI1!i. <br />oesota amI" the Unllecl":States .~. <br />m....'~ <br />Sobel. 4. U the liceasei_lia .,~ . <br />or"" tho IIceOI(ile .haI1. <br />DBte a pertOo to be IMDiIger aDd," <br />.....polISible cl1arge oflhe.J>usidesa. s.m. <br />penon sballremain respoasible for .~~ <br />duct of the busiDess uotIt another sidt.;.~ <br />able........ baa beeo deslPated in ~ <br />Ing by tho U......... TIIe,!kensee shOU'. <br />prompUy notif, tho ~4ePartm.., iDe <br />YIrllin& ot: any change m .ma1la8er 1nd1~ <br />eating lbe ...... add<esl$Dd ~, <br />number of the DeW DUlnIl(er atJd,~,5;II <br />tective date of sucll chaDge. -~ ;~ftJ: <br />Subd. 5, Every lIceasee,shall.~~ <br />and. aUow' an exa~ ancl~>(' <br />tloa or every part of tbt premiseS W _a~~ <br />pollce, fire or other authority of tbe q,ty <br />iluring _busiaeas 00urs six ~ <br />each year. Refusal to anmr such iaspeif_., <br />doa or to llDSwer therequest.GfClty~: <br />nee, fire or other authority to be admlt:.~ <br />tedtoaU........preollsesslalll!Mi <br />srllUllds for 9USpeD8lon (I revocatioD ~ ~ <br />aU Ucenses. ',,:.~ <br />Subd-. 6. Any person adiDg as a maF:l <br />seur or masseuse shall bave his or bet:: <br />ce.rtilIcate displayed ia . prom1neQt,~ <br />place at his or her place of employment. <br />and upon demand by ;my pollee olfi.cer. <br />or otber authorized officer_or agent r:4. <br />the City ol Forest Lake, an, pen~ ..", <br />gaged ia practIcing ~ s~ ideQ..o:; <br />illy hiMselt or herself ~ his or her.; <br />true legal name, comct-8Cldress anet <br />telepbooe number. -.rtJ ;~. <br />Subd. 7. No penon W1deril8 years 01: <br />age sball be permitted ~. or allowed <br />to be employed or to aerveJp any <br />Iishmetit licensed uader tbe provisi <br />of this Chapter. ~~ <br />Subd. 8. AIJy person ptllCUcmg mas- <br />sage within the City of Forest Lake 8ha1I <br />initially advise the City (If his or ber- ad.. <br />dress and telephone aumber and sha1l <br />lurther advise the City of sny changes in <br />address or telephone number Within - : <br />thirty (30) days of such cbaJJge. <br />Subd. 9. Any person prt.eUcmg mas- <br />sage withiJllhe City may do so ooly ,t <br />premise$ which are licenSed for the c0n- <br />duct of such business as herein provided <br />and further, auy person ~tictng mas- <br />sage shall inform. the CUy ~ any chang- <br />es in employment or the Ioealion of his <br />or her employment witbia!be City wiUl. <br />in ~n (7) days after suchcbange, <br /> <br /> <br />E........ .......... to whom .,. <br />SUbd, 10, '-");~ shall apo <br />massage certUlcate. ,~ <br />_ pOnonaIIy at the Poll", ~, <br />men! to receive dell""" ellhe ~ <br />cate and ~ such appeara.oce ".., <br />pbotoora_ I.. idenlJllaiU.. om <br />ea. one copy of tbe 1JbotcIrap~t.O ,'.: <br />_tlY aruxed te ibe -'_ . <br />aDd a second copy thereallhaU be II<j>l,,, <br />ia the rues of the Pollee.Dlpertment. ''I'f::, <br />Sub<!. It. PrIce ratea ~aU servl<!I. <br />shaUbepromlnently...~the~, <br />t10a area in a location ariUable to <br />~veeustomen.____----..:c.. . <br />Sec, 29~its HEALTH Am>> D~ <br />CONTROL .. <br />No penon while afmcted with any ~ <br />ease iQ a communicable form or ~.-" <br />carrier of such disease or,wounds,~. <br />or any acute ~,J9.fectioa_ <br />wort mar use tbeservi~aa1 __ <br /> <br />=f:.t::m,,::1IO '..- ... ..:-... lb." <br /> <br />sucb disease 01' ~U _ Je" <br /> <br />ployed or sucll <br /> <br />pacity. ., <br />Sec, 29,17 'REVOC.lTlOI.... <br />SION OR NONRENEW: . <br />auslNESS LICENSE OR_. . <br />CERTIFICATE ,--":"" ';:',',;.:;,~ <br />'ThebusinellS~ot~l. __." <br />tlficate may be revoked, suspended ':lI': <br />... renewed by tho City CoonciJ """" <br />recOmmendation oLthe City ~,bY~ <br />showing that the Ucensee. Its '~" <br />managers, employees, ageots ~.;aay:~ <br />other interested parties, liS enum~~;1 <br />ia Section 29..05 witb the ex~_~ji <br />~ton, or the masseur orma&seuse;~ <br />have engaged in any of the loU~" <br />conduct: . :';ii:t~ <br />(a) Fraud, deception or mIs~_ <br />tation in conaection.with lhesecming,' <br />the lic.e-cse, ":.>;-.~:;~~~ <br />(b) Habitual drunkeness or iateiJt~: <br />allce In the use of drugs includiag but.~, <br />limited to <be us. 01 drugs. _ In <br />Minnesota Statutes, 5ef;tion 618.01,:~ <br />biturates. haUueinogtmc drup, 'llJJ1~ <br />p/le....ines. benezedriee, _ (If <br />otber sedatives. depressants, 8timularits <br />ortranqtlillzers. . ._;:~:. <br />(c) Engaging In conduct invol\'!Di" <br />moral lur\lltude b, _'ling or ~ <br />lag others withia theiremployor~ <br />to engage Ia conduct involving ~ <br />turpitude or FaUlDg to prevent ageab, 'ii!.~ <br />fleers or empJoyees in engagiag in COD:- <br />duct iavolvlng moral tvPitude., ,r~"f <br />..(d) Failure to fully comply with <br />requlrementa 01 tho City Code of the Ql <br />of Forest. Lake regarding the.saDI <br />and safety conditions, zoaiag ~ <br />menta, bl!ilding cOde requirements : <br />ordlaances, the violation of which, jn- <br />vOlves moral turpitude, or failure' to <br />comply fully wUh any ~ts of <br />tblaChapter. '. <br />Ce) Conviction of aD offense involving <br />moral turpitude by any court of comJlC:-' <br />tent jurisdiction, _ _": <br />(fl Engaging m any conduct which <br />would constitute grounds for re(usaJ to <br />Issue a business license or massage cer:.' <br />tincatebetein. . ., ,.J. <br />Sec. 29.18 APPEALs , :'. <br />The licensee or massBge eertificate <br />bolder may appeal sucb SWIpeasioo~ re:-,' <br />vocation or oonrenewal to the City eoun;..' <br />1:11. The Couacll shaU consider the ap. , <br />peaJ at the next regularly scheduled <br />COWlcll meeting on or atter ten days <br />from service of the notice of appeal 00 <br />the City eJeri;:. At the conclusioa of the <br />bearing, the CouncU may order: i ": <br />(a) That the revocation, suspensjOQor <br />llOIU'eQewal beaffirmed...:-',-, <br />Cb) That the revocation, suspension or ' <br />nonrenewaJ be lUted aDd that the license <br />Ol'~catebereinstated.,.' . <br />(c) The City CounciJ may base eitbei' <br />suspension or i88uance ollhe llc:euse or <br />certificate upon any additional lerma, <br />cOnditiOl1$ and stipulations whic.b It <br />mBY, Ln its s01e discretion, impase, <br /> <br /> <br />, <br />