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<br />;)5 r: <br />L[~4r~ ~ <br />,Yift . C( ~ <br /> <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />'LMc <br /> <br /> <br />r-,... of 101;,,_ c..... <br />Ci'tiM~ ,,~ <br />.-....1 <br /> <br />Claulftcation <br /> <br />Municipality <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />Research and InfornuztiDn Service <br /> <br />r' '.J:XiN~ITY OF L1TTI.E CANADA <br />ORDINANCE NO. 428 <br />AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER . , <br />2220 TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF <br />THE CITY OF UTTI.E CANADA. RELATING <br />TO MASSAGE THERAPY AS AN <br />ACCESSORY USE ' <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF UTTLE :w~ <br />. HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: J\ 'b.. <br />Section 1. . 0", <br />Chepter = of the Munlclpal Cad. . <br />City of UttllJ Canada Is hereby added to read <br />as follows: . "' <br />2220. Massage Therapy IS In Acce..ory <br />Use, .. ~ I <br />.2220.010. OeflnlUon., t <br />1. The term "massage therapy" means ~e <br />rubbing, stroking, ~neadlng. tapping or romng <br />of the body with the hands or other parts of }he ' <br />body for the exclusive purposes of relaxation. . <br />physical fitness. or beautlflcation and fol'; no <br />other purpose. J ;' <br />The practIce of massage therapy Is hereby <br />declared to be distinct from Ihe licensed prac~ <br />tlce of medicine. osteopathy. 'cI;lfopradlc, <br />physlcallhol'8f)Y, podiatry, and nursing, as We<< <br />as the professions of Ilthletic coacl1ing an~ <br />training. Persons engaged In those professlons <br />are 'exempt from the pro'(lslons of this <br />ordinance,' : <br />2. The lerm "massage therapist" "meanS a <br />person who practices m~ge f <br />3. " Theropy Establishment" shall <br />mean ~y roam or room whel'8ln a person n;ay <br />r8cel\le a massage from a 'massage therapist' <br />for a fee. j <br />4. "Sanitary" shall mean free from lhe <br />vegetative cells o' pelhagenlc-m1c,G.argen1sms. <br />5. The term "accessory use" as used In 'his <br />Chaplet means a use at the same IocarJon with <br />and of a nalure customarily Incidental and <br />subordinale to, the principal use for s:ald <br />local Ion. ' 1 <br />2220.020. Ueen.. for Massage Thenlp~' as <br />an Aeceaaory U1I8. ' <br />1. No person, partnership or corporation shall <br />engage In a business, which has massage <br />therapy as an accessory 1J&8, without belng <br />licensed as provided In this Chapter. ' <br />2, The Initial application for a license by a <br />business shall be made by completing an ap- <br />plicatIon form provided by and containing sUCh <br />Informallon as required by the City Ad- <br />ministrator and by paying a one time nonrefun- <br />dable Initial application fee of $1oo,QO. <br />3. If the application for a license under this <br />chapter is granted, the $100.00 lee above shafl <br />be the first year's license fee. Thereafter, the <br />annual license fea shall bEl $100,00, A se~te <br />license shall be obtained lor each place ~ 01 <br />business. <br /> <br />2220.030. Granting, Denytng and RtlKiIt- <br />ding of Ltcen... for "'lUge Thenlpy as an <br />Aecuaory U... .' <br />1. Licenses may be granted onlY.' to <br />establishments associated with and operatJng <br />within the confines of and lncldeotaJ to a Pr0- <br />perly zoned b6auty parlor. <br />2. No more than two (2) massage therapist <br />Individual licenses" wlR 'bedlssued to an)' <br />business establlshment. , <br />3, Ucenses may be denied or resclrlded If the <br />premises ot the establishments do nor meet the <br />requirements. ot the City Council. and of the <br />building, safety and sanitat/ol1 regulations of the <br />City of utile Canada, and Stale 01 Minnesota. <br />4. Ucenses may be denied or rescinded If <br />there Is any fraud or deception involved In ihe . <br />/leense application. <br />5. Ucenses may be denied or resclnded if the <br />applIcant, licensee or employee of the same fall <br />to comply with, or have a history of vloIadons, ., "/ <br />ot the laws or ordinances which apply to health, . <br />safety, or moral turpitude. , <br />6. The City Council may anach such <br />reasonable condlllons tothe license as 1I,ln:":s , <br /> <br />so~~ '~it~-~:_~:sC~~~81~=:~k~;~~ ~:;' <br />on any appllc.anUor 'a IlceriS8~~llirsuant to this . <br />chapter.. ~ . <br />2220.040~ "'....ll" TllenIpy Only \,y' <br />Licensed Persons. ~ <br />1. No person shall provide massage the~y <br />without being licensed Individually as provided <br />In thIs chapter. <br />2. AppUcatlon for license. My person deslr~ <br />Ing to be licensed shafl file an appllcatlorl on <br />forms provided by the City Administrator. The <br />appllcatlon shall contain ,such Information as <br />the City Administrator may require, Including: <br />(A) The oppllaent's full name, addr_, saclol <br />security number, and written proal of age. <br />(B) The name and address of the establish. <br />ment by which the applicant expects to be <br />employed, <br />(C) A stat8ment concerning whether the per- <br />son has been convicted of or entered a plea of <br />guilty '0 any erllml Of ordInance violatIon and. <br />It so, Information as 10 the time, place and <br />. nature of such crime or offense. <br />(O) Pfoof that the BPP'lcant meets the foUow- <br />ing educational requirements: <br />(I) A diploma Of certificate at graduation from <br />a school approved by the American Massage <br />Therapist Assoclatlon or other similar reputable <br />massage association: or <br />(Il) A diploma or certificate of graduation from <br />a school which is e\ther Becredl1ed by a <br />recognized eduC8tlonalaccredltlng assoclalion <br />tIr agency, or Is licensed by tr'le State or local <br />government agency having JurlsdldJon over the <br />school. <br />{W} Each applicant shall also fumlsh proof at <br />the time of application of a minimum of six hun- <br />dred (aOO) hourS of succes.slully completed <br />course work In the following areas: <br />a) The th60ry and practice of massage, in. <br />eluding. but not limited to, SwedIsh, Esalen, <br />Shiatsu, andlor Foot Retlexology techniques; <br />and <br />b) Anatomy, Including, but not limited t~, <br />skeletal and muscular structure and organ <br />placement: and <br />c) Hygiene, <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />-' <br /> <br />/\/ <br />