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<br />. 3. Fee. The annual nonrefundable applica- <br />tion and license fee for a massage therapist Is <br />Seventy-Five and NollOO ($75.00) Dollars. <br />4. Review of application. Ucense applications <br />shall be reviewed by the CIIy Administrator, and <br />the Sheriff's Department may run criminal <br />history checks on applicants. . <br />5. Denial of application. The license applica- <br />tion may be denied for any of the fotlowing <br />reasons: <br />(A) The application contains false, fraudulent, <br />pr deceptive statements. " <br />(6) The applicant has been convIcl:ed of or <br />entered a ptea of guilty within the previous th~ <br />(3) years to a "Iolation of this Chapter or of any <br />other law regulatIng the Pf8.ctlce of m8$S8ge, <br />or of sny law prohibiting criminal sexual con; . <br />duct, prostitution, pandering,indecent conduct <br />or keeping pf a disorderly house. <br />(C) The applicant has not complied with a <br />provision of thIs ordinance. <br />(0) Th~ 'applicant Ie less thafl eighteen (18) <br />years of age. . <br />2220.050. Revocation Of Suapenalon of <br />Ueense. A IlcenSQ may be revoked or suspend- <br />ed for any- of the following reasons: <br />1. F;aud, deception, or misrepresentation In <br />connection with the registration application. <br />2, A violation of any provision of this chapter. , <br />3. Conviction of a criminal sexual Conduct, . <br />prostitution, ,pandering, indecent conduct. or.. <br />J keeping a disorderly houss. <br />4. Convlcticittof, any crime or ocdlnane& \1oIa: . . <br />tlon arising out of the practice of massago . <br />therapy. <br />' 5. Exhibition of a demonstrable lack of skllt <br />In the practice of massage therapy. . ~ <br />2220.060. Reatrlctlon. .nd Regula'lona. . <br />1. Ally person registered as a massage <br />therapist hereundet' shall dIsplay such license, <br />or a true copy t.hereof.ln a pro~lnent place at <br />such person's placE! of employment. <br />2. Upon demand of any pallee olflter at the <br />place of employment, any persOn licensed <br />hereunder shan produce correct IdMltlRcatlon, <br /> <br />-. <br /> <br />j <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />. id.enllfying hlmselUherself by his/her true legal <br />l.,. name and correct address. <br />'3. Ouring business hours. all massage <br />th'erapy establishments shall be open to inspec- <br />tion by City Building and Weense Inspectors, <br />Health Officer!, and ~1c8 officers, .' , <br />4. Ally person licensed hereunder shall prac- <br />tice massage therapy only at such locatIon or <br />locatIons as are designated In the license. Any <br />\ _. person registered hereunder shjllll Infqrm the' <br />I. City Administrator, In writing. ot any change In <br />location prior to lis occurrence. <br />:.' 5. No customers or patrons shall be allowed <br />to enter or remain on the >>censed premises <br />after 9:00 p.m. or before 8:00 a.m. dally. <br />. 6. No beer, liquor, narcotic drug Or contmll. <br />I. ad substance, as such terms Bre defined by <br />'."""., state statutes or the City Code. shall be pe~lt- <br />, ted on licansedpremlses,' . <br />" .7. Violation 01 Bnylaw or regulatIon relating <br />;..: to building, safety or health, shall be groundS <br />> ' 'for revocatIon of any lIcense. <br />. 8. There shall be no locks on doors of <br />n!8ssageroolTl$.. ". - ,." '.- <br />,9. Whenever: a massage Is given, It shall be <br />required by the'massage therapist that the per-. <br />son who Is receivlng the massage sMII have <br />her breasts and his/her buttocks and genitalS <br />covered by a nontranspa~ent malerial, <br />,10. Any massage therapists parformlt?s any <br />massages shall at all tlmee have her breasts <br />and his/her buttocks and genitals eaverEtd with <br />a ,nontransparent malerial. <br />2220.070. Vlolatlonsl Penalty. Every person <br />or. entity who vIolates this ordinance Is gul/ty ot <br />a mJs.demeanor. <br /> <br /><il <br />i <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />Section 2. <br />:ihis Ordinance shal/ take eHeet and be in <br />lorce from and after its passage and <br />publication. <br />PASSeD by the CIty CouncI-J olUnle Canada <br />this 24th day otJanuary, 1996. <br />" .Mlchael f. Fahey <br /> <br />, M3yor <br />ATTEST: Joel R. Hanson ' Ayes - 5 <br />City Administrator. . Nays - 0 <br />' Review: Jan. 30, 1996) <br /> <br />/}./ <br /> <br />~' <br />',. <br />.;-t. <br />