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<br />FEB-28-2802 13: 104 <br /> <br />LEAGI..E CF i1'I CITIES <br /> <br /> <br />P. 02/34 <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />~6S- <br />~~--~~. <br />~;C'?' ! <br /> <br />Classl1iCAtiOD <br /> <br />LMC <br /> <br />MUDicipality <br /> <br />rM"...;~ c;,;.. <br />C'iIi.t "....ti.",-s.... <br /> <br />Research and Information SSMllce <br /> <br />(J-t:. Ordinance No, 2001-08 . <br />Ir' The Ci1y Council of the City of SECTION 1. Definitions, In this <br />Hermantown does ordain: ,section: <br />, An Ordinance amending the t CURFEW HOURS MEANS <br />t;\eT1!l~ntown City Code by adding :11 :00 p.m. on any day Until 5:00 a,m, <br />ll,rovls,ons that regulate fhe pres-9f the following day: <br />$nce and conduct of minors on ,;: EMERGENCY means an <br />iitreets and other places; defining pnfo.fIlseen combination of circUm- <br />DUTIES of parents and others in . ~tal1Cee or the resulting state that <br />Care of minors and providing for pro- balls for immediate action. The term <br />cedure. and penaltlee lor Vlolations!ncludes, but i$ not limited to, a fire, a <br />thereof. ratural disaster, an automobile acci- <br />,./' WHEREAS, the city council has ./lent, or any situation requiring I <br />determined that there has been an. :fmmedla.tG action to prellent serious' <br />;increase In Juvenile violence, jlJV&- ;~Iy injury or loss of me. <br />.nile gang activity; and crime by per- ii ESTABLISHMENT mellns any <br />,sons under the age of 16 in the City privately owned place of busine!s <br />of Hermantown; and,flperated lor a profit to which the <br />WHEREAS, persons under the~!?iic Is invited, including but not <br />age 01,16 are particularly susceptible i!@[~d to any place of amusement or <br />bY their lack of meturi1y and experi- ~iirei1ainment. <br />ence to particIpate In Unlawful snd ;i GUARDIAN means: <br />gang-related ad/vities and to be vie- '" a person who, under court <br />..!a';n. dS of older perpetrato, rs of crime; ~rdllr, is the guardian of the person <br />1r ~fa minor; <br />,;!.i WHEREAS, the City of. ~! or a pUblic of private agency <br />,He~antown has an cbligatlon to ~Ithwhom a minor has been placed, <br />provtde tor the protection of minors; ~ a court. <br />,from each otner and from other pel'- i :~. MINOR, for purposes of these <br />:lIons, for the enlorcement of parentaJ,~ulatJons only, means any person <br />:contrcl over and the inc1dence Of' :rder 16 years of age. <br />JlJvenile criminal activities; and :~, OPERATOR means any indlvld- , <br />WHEREAS, a curfew tor those i~al, firm, association, partnership, or <br />under the age of 16 will be in the' ~orporation operating, managing, or <br />,interest of the public health, safllty" qpnductlng any establlshmsnl. The <br />,~nd general welfare and'wlll help to ',' l.!'f- m includes the members or pan- <br />attain the foregoing objectives and to.. r.j:elS Of an l!$sociation, partnership <br />,~ini$h the undesirable Impac1 of, l;lr limited liability company, lhe offl- <br />such conduct on the C~izenll of the i i;ers of a corpOl'lltion and the man- <br />City of Hermantown; . ~ ~gers of a, limited liability company. <br />Now, Therefore, :;' PARENT means a person who <br />. BE IT ORDAINED SY THE; i~: <br />~ITY COUNCIL OF THE . .~ITY OF,' ;:; a nalursl parent, adoptive par- <br />ttE:RMANTOWN, MINNESOTA: r,nt, or Slep-parent of another per- <br /> <br />son; <br />or at least 1 8 yeare of age and <br />authQlizlid bya parent or guardian to <br />have thi! Care and custody of a <br />minor, <br />PUBLIC PLACE means any <br />place to which me putllic or a sub- <br />stantial group of the public has <br />access and includes. but is notlimil- <br />ed to, streets, highways, and the <br />common areas of schools, hospitals, <br />apartment houses, office buildings, <br />transport facilities, and shops_ <br />REMAIN means to: <br />linger or stay: or <br />fajl to leave a premises or loca- <br />tion . when requsstEl$! to do so by a <br />police officer or the owner, operator, <br />or other person in conlrcl of the <br />premises or localion, <br />SERIOUS BODILY INJURY <br />means bodily injury thai creates a <br />substanlial risk of death or Ihat caus- <br />es death, serious permanent diSfig- <br />urement, or protracted loss or <br />Impairment of the function of any <br />bodUy member or organ. <br />S.ECTION 2, Re$1Tictions. <br />It shall be unlawful for any rninor <br />to remain in any public plaoe or on <br />the premises of any establishment <br />wjthin the City during curlew hours. <br />It shall be for any par- <br />ent or guardian or a: minor to know- <br />. ingly permit, or by insufficient control <br />allow, the minor to remain in any <br />public place or on the premises of <br />any establishment within the City <br />during curfew hours_ The term <br />"knOWingly' inoludes Knowledge <br />which a parent 'or guardian shoulCl <br />reasonably oe expected to have con- <br />cerning the whereabouW of a minor <br />in the legal custody of that parent or <br />gIJardlan. <br />