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<br />FEB-28-2002 13:05 <br /> <br />U1c <br />z.,;.g.../~ ou.. <br />011. ""-"'I.....a-. <br /> <br />LEA~UE OF MN CITIES <br /> <br />P.t33/34 <br /> <br />ClassUl.catiOll <br /> <br />MllDfclpaJlty <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />ReulU'ch and Infor1lllltJon S~rvicl!; <br /> <br />It shall Olil unlawful fOf any <br />owner, operator, or any employee of <br />an establishment to knowingly allow <br />a minor to remain upon the premises <br />01 the establishment dl.lrtnS curfew <br />hours,' <br />SECTIONS, Exceptions. <br />The fOlloWing shall constlll.lte <br />valid exceptions 10 the operation of <br />the curlew, That the minor was: <br />accompanied by the minor'S <br />parent or guardian; <br />on an errand at the direction of <br />the minor's parent or guardian, w~h- <br />out any detour or stop; <br />in a mctor vehicle involved in <br />Interstste travel; <br />engaged in an employment <br />activity, or going to or returning <br />home from an employment aotivity, <br />I without any detour or stop; <br />:1 involved in an emergency; <br />:,j on the sldtlwalk abutting the <br />'i minor'S residenoe or abutting the <br />t residence of a next-door neighbor If <br />I, the neighbor did not ccmplain to the <br />~pollce department about the minor's <br />'I' preeence; <br />attending an official schoof, reii- <br />gious, or other recreational activity <br />'superviSed by adults and sponsored <br />py a civic. organization , or an?t~,er <br />~imilar entity that takes responsIbility <br />pr the minor, or gOing to or returning <br />~ome from, without any detour or <br />]'10P, an official scheel, religious. or <br />ther recreational activity supervised <br />-1Y adults and sponsored by a civic <br />- ,rganization, or another simiiar enti- <br />( that lakes responsibility for Ihe <br />, )inor; <br />: exercising First Amendment <br />Ql <br /> <br />rights protected by the Uniled Slates the practicality of enforcing the <br />Constitution, such as Ihe free exer- orclnance and any problem~ wilM <br />else of religiouS, freedom or speech, entorcement Identified by the <br />end the right of aSSflmbly; Hermantown police department; <br />or married Of had been mamed. the impact of the ordinance on <br />It is a defense to prosecution crime statistics; <br />uncler Section 2 that the owner, the number ot perlions succass- <br />opera10r or employee of an eslab- fully prosecuted for a violation of the <br />'lishmant promplly notified the p,otlce ordinance; and <br />department that a minor was present the City'S' net cost Of enforcing <br />'on the premises of the establishment the ordinance, <br />during ourfew hours and refused to SECTION 7. Miscellaneous. <br />leave. That the terms and provisions of the <br />SeCTION 4. Entorcement. ordinance are severable. If any pro- <br />Before taking anyenforcament vision of this ordinance is, for any <br />action under this seetlon, a police reason, held to be invalid, such deci- <br />officer Shall,ask the apparent otfand- sian shall not etfact the validity of the <br />ers age and reason for being in the remaining portions of this ordinance. <br />public place. The officer Shall not It 1& intended thOlt this Ordinance be <br />Issue a citation or make an arrest held inapplicable in such cases, if <br />under this section unless the officer any, Where its application w9uld bil <br />reasonably believes that an offense unconstitutional. <br />has ocol.lrred and that, based on any SECTION 8. Added to Code. <br />response and other circumstances. Upon adoption' the' terms and provi- <br />no defense in Section S is present. aione of this Ordinance shall be <br />SECTION 5, Penalties. added'to the Hermantawn City Code <br />A person who vloiates Ii previ- in the appropriate place and <br />sian of this chapter is guilty ot a sep- assigned an appropriate article num. <br />i, arate offense for each day or part of ber and section numbers and olher- <br />I, a day during which tM violation Is wise made part of the Hermantown <br />committed, continued. or permitted. City Code. <br />Any minor who Is convicted of a SECTION 9. EHeetlve Date. <br />violation ot this ordinance and any That this ordlnanoe shall take effect <br />aoutt person having the care and immediateiy from and atter its pas- <br />cwstody of ~uch minor, Is guilty of i!l sage and publication according to <br />petty misdemeanor and shall be law. <br />punished by a fine not to exceed I <br />, $200.00 I <br />SECTION 6. Review and! <br />Report. Within one year after the in;- ! <br />tial effective date of thi~ ordinance, <br />the Chief of Polioe shall review this <br />ordinance and report and make rec- <br />ommendations 10 the City Council <br />concerning the effectiveness of and <br />the contlnUI ng need for the ordi- <br />nanes. The Chief of Police'a report <br />, Shall specifically incluoe the foliOw- <br />ing information: <br />