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<br />FEB-28-20132 13: 06 <br /> <br />LEAGUE OF MN CITIES <br /> <br />". <br /> <br />th~ apparenl oft~er's aQQ and reaSOO~fQr:1':J <br />being In 1M public pJaoQ. The omoa~ ,~n' :1, <br />not issue a ollatlon or mak, an al'f'Q&t un:Gei ., ..':,; <br />t,hlS seeton l.1nJt$. the atticQr reasonn' ',,:,;tr' <br />believes that ai"l ctfliilnse ha.~ CCCl"lrred ,1~.1~ <br />:~a.t, bssQd On any fas~oMS8 and \) ';' !',(J <br />cIrcuMstances:. no dsfenSQ in $ection :5 i l' f;, <br />Pl'tsent. ',t :, ;':'.', <br />SIJ/!,.lnn ~ ~Qtl2nIaR' f;' ,;: ,t <br />(a, ViolatiOn 01 ~t':l& Ordinance ie '* :;...~.f,* <br />mlsdOm41ilnor, i"l':l~'~~ <br />(b) ihe PfOCQdure will be,a. fOil . \:~I"'.~.::;"'::"'" <br />l1) FirstOtfQl"lat:oraIWir'l"lingtomi t ~:..'~.;' <br />and partl"tt/guardian; , <br />(~l hQond Oftefl:H!i written wamin d " <br />minor and parenl/guardiatl alg"n, ~. ~;/ll <br />an lnformetiol'l St'leet Containing i~ ~I~""f';j <br />m",lion r~e.rdi1"lg tilt, safety, 01tfft1," (( ,,:'l.~".~ <br />r'oor; .. S'v <br />(3) TMd Offense: ~e.oo cltaflor. : .~.~':.: <br />sued to ~.rcmtlgl.iatdiilm along V(1th ' ".d <br />In/Qrrn=~ion Sh$e('c;clr!~a.j(llng Inlo :4& <br />lion regardin,g lI'!e 5atetY. Of me rfJJrt . <br />(4) Fourttl Offen,,: rso.~O elratioCl > .?:;: <br />sued to PlrentJguardtan alOtlQ w[th- :ji <br />1.lormollcn Shoot contalnJ.g In~I\." <br />tion regardIng the safQty or the ml, ' ,I;:" <br />(5) Fifth Offen..: $100,00 cI"""," '': <br />SlJed ro pa.rentlcuarO'lan along w,ith:t~ . <br />IntOflTlitlon Sne.t ,COntai~jn9 info~< \::;': <br />lion regarding 1he safcity Qf the ml'i' ,~,,',:;,~~rr <br />Ie) SI.ctl'; Offense. an~"any,' 'sU', 'DNcz,'ll'" :'~:;>~:I' <br />offenses: S20,O.OO: citafion, {uutitd, ~::i:,'~~,:, <br />p.arsnuguardfa" ,tl"n; wif~. II'I inti "''''\:j.~''':' <br />matlon Sheat eOfltatninCl lnform'tio;n~ " . I <br />rooardlng I~. oafoty of ti'1ol minoi,;,~1. . <br />(c) A person lJ/hQ vIolates a ~ovi$ionlbt. <br />tniS Ordlnanc. I, guilty 01 a &eparat~~ <br />offense for Qa~h day or part of . da~.i <br />~uri~Q wl'\ic:1'l tI'Ie v1ol-alion Is cornmlh' <br />led, contlnu.d. or pcII'Mittect..- . I <br />SIIctlori R RavlAw ttf nrdlnefta" ; . <br />Wftttll'l ~jx mClntnlil after thla Ordjnsnet: . " <br />taku Qffact the City Clamshell revieWJI.ij.~,,'.t:,:,: <br />Ordlnanct ana f.P~1'1: and ~'5ict' rec~.r...;,:t.. <br />mClr'ldatlons to ~. City COwn"il c:onoern~!/p ' <br />thQ Qf!ljIctivGnGSllJ gf and tf1e contfr'!l,lil15i'1 ~ <br />l'leed for the Ol"djnElnce~ The Clly Cltrk'" <br />rtp~rt ahall incJl,<oe thli following intorrnH <br />tiOn" ~ , J,i <br />. (1) tn,. ~aQtioaJ.ity ~1 eflfcrc;ing ~ <br />OrdJnlilnae and any problems with en'., <br />tote_ment identifitd by the /ilolice Of.+' <br />Darlmenl; ~"! ' <br />(b) tho of the Ordina.tree on: <br />crime a.latl:;t~: ,ill <br />(c) the l'll,lmber 01 ,oemmi suoce~.'J <br />fully Qro~ec:utltd for a violation of i_1 <br />Ordinanoe; and .. , ~ \ <br />(0) "'. Clty's nO. <os! 01 enfOrcing 'tio' <br />o.olnanoe, I, ~ <br /> <br />"- <br />/ <br />/ <br />I <br />/ <br /> <br />" <br /> <br /> <br />P. 135/34 <br />