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<br />FEB-28-2la02 13: Iil5 <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />LMC <br /> <br />r-.o/MI.._ 0lI00 <br />0Iiu ~ ....n-. <br /> <br />LEAGUE OF MN CITIES <br /> <br />RUlfJrcllalld InJonrumon $uvicll <br /> <br />. ~ <br />ri iJ. . ,,. - b~a p <br />I 11""....., ~.., " <br />,- <br />F8II.12. lai1.. . <br />ORgJNANCE NO. <br />ON ORDINANCI REGULAT <br />PRES!NCIANOCONDUCT OF MINORI <br />ON $TRE!TS AND OTHER PU!lLIC <br />PLACES: O!.'NING DUTI!' OF PAR- <br />ENTS OR OTHERS IN CARl OF MINORS. <br />PROVIDING FOR PROCEDURIII ANO <br />PENAl Ties FOR, VIOLATIONS <br />THEREOF. <br />WHER5AS, tn. City COul"IC:il is t!I:Ut~g <br />10 deter j~venilQ victJmlzatlon and Ju.. <br />yernle crime in tl"lIl City 01 Altk~; aMCI <br />WHEReAS. ~~S/;lr'l' LiI'tc!at thiJ age 0118 <br />ar'O particularly SV.tQfl)ti"lt by their <br />IQOK et maturity and excerlenc. to <br />"ar.1oipat, In l,ll"\lawfrJf'actlv"iee and <br />to ~ ...iQtimlll ~{ older' ~'P"1ra:ora Of <br />Clime. end <br />WHEFlEAS. the Cit~ 01 Aitkin hu ill'! otlli.. <br />giliOI'l to ptNide for the protedion or <br />mir,ors flom each othet and l!'Qm Ql1"1,( <br />~er$Qr'ls, lQr tl'lt .n'()(c.m~nt ot pa. <br />-ental control 0'118' and responlllibinty <br />lo~ Ol'lildrtitli, fOr tn. ~rOt.eIJOn of t!'l8 <br />~eneral pubiio, and tQf In. fedL,II;:lion <br />of the lilcid.nce 01 j'J'Jeni!e criminal <br />ae:ti'/itita; and <br />WHEREAS. a curfetW for IhQ~e I,mdlllr tht <br />loe, vi 18 will be in t!le inter=t Qf <br />pUOIICneafth. safety, andgentlral wei~ <br />liT. ared win !"IeI~ te a.ltain the foriCO'" <br />Ing obJectIves and to dlmlnl3h the <br />IJnd!!SlratJle ~mpact. of such conduct <br />on ]UV;nlliilS mems'~ ana on roe <br />citiZ9ns 011nQ City 01 Aitkin: <br />Now. 't'I'lGl'efOf9; <br />r~= CITY COUNC,L OF .THE CITY OF <br />A.ITKIN, MINNeSOTA, ORDAINS: <br />S.I'JTinn 1 08tinJricr.!1 <br />In li"lia sectIOn: <br />(al CURFEW I-:OIJP.S mQIil~: <br />(1) For 1 !.)lGlar.olOS: and' I..lndQt: anI' <br />time between 10:00 p.m. on .any Sun- <br />cay, Monday. Tuesday. Wach'lQsday, <br />cr Tl\lJl'rcay, ,ll.1d 5:00 ..m. O~ thQ <br />'O\!QWil"lg day; and <br />Ai"1~ time betw"n_11 :CC ~.m. c:n .ny <br />Frldl~' or Saturday and 5:00 a.m. on <br />tho foUo'WirlQ d;i,y. <br />(~} F'or 1 S. ",nd 17"yQQt-Old&:: any t/rn. <br />berw..n 11 :00 ~,m. on any Sunday. <br />Monday, Tl,le.&di.y, Wtdl"l.tday, Of <br />Tr.ur,day, and 6:00 a.m, or'I tn,fOllow- <br />lng day: end <br />Any iima i:!~twBi.n ~2:oe 8.m, on any <br />1=riOiay or Saturday 1Ir'ld 5:00 ..r"I'l. on <br />tn. f0110wif!9 d.y. <br />{b} eMeAGENC't mean~ BI'l unfOr$- <br />8al!l;n -:::ombi"'ation 01 cirellmstancCllI or <br />Ihtl reSUltlnQ stall) t"at ;:.aUI rOf immo. <br />aiat" fl.Cl"'on. The term includes, but i.a <br /> <br />P.04/34 <br /> <br />ClauiflcatioD <br /> <br /> <br />MIIDlclpaUty <br /> <br />( <br />_~Q~. ~'J <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br /> <br />an eutgmobjl., 1.~1ent, Or' any situ!. , <br />lion requiring Immediate action \0 Pl'e~ <br />vent serious bodily inj'J~ or IOSIIcflifl3. <br />(c) ESTASLI$HM!NT means any pri- <br />vately owned Place or business oper~ <br />aled tor a profit to whIch tne pl,ibllc IS <br />tnvited !noludil"i~. but nO! Iil'l'lltad to. <br />any ~;c:. 01 amus&man~ ortfll.ttal~~ <br />mont, <br />(d) GLJAROIAN meens: <br />(') a per~on wn~, undll"coul'torder, is <br />the guardian of tl'll person of a minor; <br />01 <br />(~) .. pUQlie or ~rl\iat. IQlI'noy with <br />whom a minor has bot" placed by a <br />court, <br />(e) MINOR melani e.ny person under <br />18 years of age. <br />(1) OPERATOPl: mean,s an)' Individual, <br />firm, alsocimkln, partnership. or cor- <br />~r8tic" C~f8tl"g, r'l'Iil\!ging, QrC:Q~ <br />duet/ng: any ..lablithmtni. 1'l'It term <br />includall the members 01 p8,"tl")eJ'S 01 <br />an ~ociatiol'\ or p&(tnel"lnip end the <br />oHieer'$ of a ecr~oration. " <br />(g) PAFI!NT m..ns i: ;)er~cn whO i$: <br />(1) a nBluml parent, adoptive piIlrem, <br />or st.p~o-arenl of ano\r,er 1J1lIrsoo; or <br />(2) lilt leu118 yeera Of sg. and autho- <br />riled by 11 parent or iUardian te t'la...o <br />in! ea~. and custody of B minor. <br />("I ~U&LIC ~LACE "",.,,, any pl'" <br />to whh;h tht public or a sub.tantlal <br />grou~ of th., ~ubllc: I'll! Scce8I; and <br />IncII..ldu, but i8 not limit1d tQ, ttt6e'Li, <br />l'Iighways, i/llnd th* ClOMmol"l arels of <br />1(:1'1001.. hoaphlt$, apartment l'IouNI. <br />offio. buildings, :rll.napoT'tfaellitiea, 8.t'ld <br />sllQlJs. <br />(I) REMAIN ",.anolO: <br />(1) linger or IItolY,. Or <br />(Z) f.U to leave 8 pre-Mise' when roe. <br />Quelttd to do Be by a pollet of/icor Ql' <br />tn. OWn". ~ator. orotherperlQn in <br />control of the "r.mi.... <br />lil $ERIOUS !<lDIL Y INJURY m.... <br />bodily injury that Qreatl1lS a ilJbstantlQi <br />risk of dealM or tl'let o.use$ dtf,th. <br />senous permal'lent'dlllflgl.lremen1. or <br />protracted loss or impllirmen~ of tl'1e <br />function of any COdify mem.ber or er- <br />gan, <br />..I".:,lnn 2 IIIl!Ktrlet!ons <br />(a) U shall be unlawful lor any mln"f <br />to rerr.aln !" 4ny ~cllo place or on <br />the preml.$$S ot any eataollsl'1msnt <br />'Within ItIe Clty during curltlW ".ours. <br />(tl) It 11"1111 beunle,wfuI1oranYp3rent or <br />gUifdiafl ot a minor to k.nowil'lQlY per- <br />mit, or b)l insufficient conitol allow, ttle <br />mi/'lOl to taMah'\ in any t:)uolic placa or <br /> <br />wlth'n tn. Olty during c:urlew hOurs.' <br />me term "MOWlnCly'" Includes knowl- <br />eClQ'Q which a parent Qrgulirdlanshould <br />reil.$OnablV be e;cpected to have con-- <br />cltmlng tl'le wl'leraaoouts at a minor In <br />the legal CU$todyo1t"al paren. \)r guard- : <br />ian. ".", <br />(C:) It snail be unlawful/or any owner, -" <br />Ol>ltafOl', Of any imployeeoral"l's~.'.~: <br />li.s.hl'l'ltl'tt to knowmgly allOw a I"ni"ot to. '.':~:'\ <br />:ernain U~C1nth.~lnisesofthe e$tab--,?~ <br />il'.hmen1 durir'lQ ~loIrf8W hours. ,7~17\,"R, <br />~I"l.itln ~ IIh~ntIQnR' , ".i~"~~.l <br />(a} rl'lt following ill'lall oonatitutf valid " <br />BJ(cepHons to the operatic" of th~ C\ir~ <br />few. That tn. minor was: <br />(l) aGOQrnp*nitd by tn. minor's parent <br />or ;wrdiG,nj <br />(2) on an err!!nd a~ the dir~on' of the- I <br />minot', i'5I'on1 or g!,lardian, witnoUtany , <br />detour Of Sl,-p: '"I <br />(:3) In a motor vehicle invtltved in inte'~",':.. . <br />stall! travel;:'}' <br />(4}engaged in an employment ac.livity,-' i <br />or going to or rstuming home flVn'l an .J <br />errplo\o'rT'Ilm &c~vlt}, with cut any",~:,'.' I <br />'.our or stop' "'~,~ <br />(5) InvoIved',n an emergency; i':.':j <br />(&) on tl'!Q sid9walk abutting tl'\e mlnOl',S,,' .i <br />rQlsldenC8 or abuttlnQ the resl~ence of ~ <br />a n.J:to.(SCOr l'\Q1QI'lOOf i1 the neighbor .J <br />did nol oomplaln to the pclliCe depaft,;' :'; <br />I'. J'I'lGf'ft about the minor's presence; ':>,,~;~ <br />(7) attondng an offiCial school, rel\~~l <br />g!'Ql".'t. 0" oth.r *I"eatio"al actIvity"; <br />supsrvi,4d by adutt$ and :!:pof\S5rttcf1 <br />by th, City of Aitkl~, a. cIVic orga.nj,za~ \ <br />t1on, gr anothttSimilar ~tyttlattakes <br />rtiSpon~lbi\lty fQr~ 1'i"IiflOr. Of going to <br />or tetum:ing nom. rrom. withQut any 'I <br />detour 0' .t(lP, an official sch\XI!, ni!j. <br />iiQull. or other fec...atiOl'laI a;tivity'~ , <br />~el'Vi"d b)! adults and .~l'Ilo~liId by <br />11"1. City of ,1IJ1kl:n, II civic organization Of <br />another Sin'litaJ .I''I!ity ttlst lak.. f. I <br />spontlbUIty of th. mil'lOfj <br />(8) .xerQislng Fir'&t Amendment rigkU <br />protaGred cythfil Unittcl States Conall- , <br />t!JtiOI1, such at thO 't... Qxlitf'clse.qf '. <br />fQlIgion. freedom o~ 3peaQl1, and tne <br />rigi'\t 0' aaaambly: or <br />(9) marriod Qr hu been r'l"Icfried, <br />(b) It is . def,noe to ~rOUCtltion under <br />SltCtlOr'l 2 tntt t~t owner, opeta\(lr, Of <br />.mploy.e Q' an establishmeot plQm~y <br />nolified tI'1e ~ol[ce deQart~el'lt lhQt I <br />minot was prelSent on th. premises of <br />the estabMshmenr dUI1nQ curfew hours <br />Ind refused to leBve. <br />SI!!ctlofl4 IJl'lft'lfiHlfn""'" <br />Befm8 t!Kil'lQ any enforcemenl actlon <br />