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<br />MAR-01-e2 a9:Z1 ~M <br /> <br />F'.02 <br /> <br />,1 1;: "11n~ <br />(/ ;fL <br />ij , <br />'1'i' j/t.; <br />V r~ <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />-...I <br /> <br />inside of the bUildin~; or if not taken into a building then <br />to the hydrant or other fixtures'whioh they are intended to <br />SUPply. A valve. the same S1Z8 as the service pipe, shall be <br />placed close to the inside ~all of the bui14ing, ahead of the <br />meter and Well protected from funing. Jointa on copper <br />tubing Shall be flared and kept to e minimum. Not more than <br />one joint ehell be used for a service up to seventy feet in <br />length. All jOints shall be left uncovered until inspected. <br />Minimum size connection with th.e water mains shall be 314 <br />inCh in diameter. <br /> <br />Subd. 5. Private Water Suppl1es. No water pipe of <br />the City water system shall be connected with. any pump, well, <br />pipe, lank or ar.y device that is conne<;;te~ with any other <br />source of weter supply and ...hen SQch are found, th.e City <br />shall notify the own..r or occupant to disconnect the .a"'.. <br />and. if not immediately dOne. the City Water shall be turned <br />off. a.fore "I'll' new connections to the City system are <br />permittod, the City shall ascertain that no cross <br />-connections will exiS t when tl'le new connection is made. <br />When a building is connecte~ to "City Water' the private <br /> sUPl'ly may be used only for such purposes as the City <br />mal' allow. <br /> <br />'~ Subd. 6. ~rohib1ted Uses or Restricted Hours. <br />Whenever the City shall determine that a s~.ortage of water <br />threatens the City. it may entirely prohibit water use or <br />limit the times and hOQrs during which water may be used from <br />the City water system for law and garden sprinkling, <br />irrigation, Oar washing, air conditioning. and other uses. or <br />either or any o~ th~. It is unlawful for any water consumer <br />to cSl,lse or permit water to be use6 .to violation of sucll <br />determ~nation atter public ~nnouncement thereof has gee" made <br />through the news med.ta specifically indicating the <br />restriction. th.ereof. <br /> <br />...J <br /> <br />\i.A '; <br />~0 <br /> <br />Sub<l. 7. Private Hre Hose Corlnecticns. Owners of <br />struetureswith self-eontaine<l fire I'rotection systems may <br />a~ply for ami obtai1'l permisSion to connect the street mains <br />with hy<Uan ts. la::ge pipes, and hose couplings, for use in <br />case of fire o1'lly, at their own instalLat"on e~~ense and at <br />sueh. rstes U the Council milY aCiOlit by reso lution as herein <br />provided. <br /> <br />Subd. 8. Opening Hydrants. It i.s u1'llawfuL fo>: any <br />p.r9on, otl\er than members of the fire Department or other <br />parson dUly authoriud by the City, in pursuance of lawful <br />purpo..., to open any fire hydrant or attempt to draw water <br />from tn.. same or in any manner in terfere th.erewi th. It i$ <br />also ur\lawful for any penon 50 authorized to deliver or <br />suffer to be delivered to ~ny other person any hydrant key or <br />wren~h. e~cept for the purposes strictly pertaining to their <br />lawful un. <br /> <br />-~6- <br /> <br />...; <br />