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<br />FEB-za-2002 13: 07 <br /> <br />LEAGUE OF MN CIilES <br /> <br />P.06/34 <br />J'ljf:);'~ ~ <br /> <br />......~..~,...... ,...r" <br /> <br />f SLOO~IN(JTON <br />I <br />" <br />and to furnish and supply water frorlN!)e weter w system oj the City to such owners end occupents of <br />properties adjacent or accessible to such wilms of the City, Water service rendeoed to such persons shall <br />be sUbjlOct to ell thlO provisions of this Article, and persons accepting such salVice snail thereby agrell to be bound <br />ano obligated by the provlslons of thIs Article. <br />(Code, 1856 S 30,21; Ord, No, 63.37,10.7-63; Ord, No. 70.14, 4-20-70) <br /> <br />~sec. h23, RESTRICTED HOURS FO" SPRINKLING. <br /> <br />. . (a) Restrictions on watllr usaoe, Whenever it is determinec by either the Mayor or the Ci~ Council that a <br />shortage of water s~pply may be imminent, ell!ler may act In acCOrdance with the procedures hlOrelnalter <br />described to limit tne uses of City water and the times and hO~1'$ during Which water !'rom the Cily water supply <br />may be usec. <br /> <br /> <br />(e) Council action. The City Council may act by resolution to limit water usage. The resclution shall stale in <br />detail the reetrictione impcsed on water usage end the chllrge for instances of nOl'loompliance, The reelriclion. <br />sha!! become eli'ee~v" 24 hours aftar passage of the resolution. The Council shail take such action as is <br />reasonaely pcactieabie to inform the general public of the imposition of the restrictions en water usage and of the <br />charges end other peneities which could be imposed for violation of such restrictions. <br /> <br />(e) Action bv !he M~vor. The Mayor may act by filing with the City Clerk a written certification that thera is <br />an imminent shortage of water supply. The certification shall specify in datail the restrictions on water uSllge and <br />the charge for Instances of noncompliance and shall become ~eclJve 24 hcurs after being ffled. The City Clerk <br />shall endcrse on each filing the time and date of flling. The Mayor shall take sucM action IS is reasonably <br />practicable to lnlorm the genere1 public of \!'Ie Impos~ion of restrlctIcns o~ water usage and of th" charges end <br />other penalties for violation of sueh re.tricticns, Restrfc~ons imposed by the Mayor may be revoked by written <br />direc,ive from the Mayer to the City Clerk, who shall endorse on such directive Ine date and time of receipt, or by <br />action of the City Council. <br /> <br />(d) Penai~es. <br />(1) For each instance of noncompliance with water usage restrictions imposed by this section. a <br />oharge of up to $25.00 shall be assessEld llgilinst the property on which the violation ocCtJrrec and added to the <br />water biil lor s~ch premises. The amour.! of the charge snail be .pedfle<l by \!'Ie Council In Its resolution and the <br />M~yor in his certification to the City Clerk, <br />(2) Failure to comply witn water ueage restrictions after two warnings shall be cause for t~e <br />discon~nuance of water service. <br />(3) Failure to comply with water usage restrictions shall be a petty misdemeanor punishable by the <br />maximum fine allowec by law for such offenslOs. <br />(Code, leSe S 30,22: Ord. No, 1>1-27, 6-29-61) <br /> <br />S;;:C, 11.24. CONTAMINATION OF WELLS. <br /> <br />(a) No per>on sheil place, construct, cr install an acluai or potentiai source of pollution or cMtamination <br />cioser to a well, or construct a well oloser to an ectual or potentiel scurce of pollution or contamination, than the <br />Isolilton distances prescribed by stale Jaw, uniess a variance has eeen granted. <br /> <br />(b) For the purposes of thie Section, the term "well" shell have the meaning given In Mlnnesotll, Statutes, <br />Sec~on 1031.005, sued, 21. and the phl1ilse "polluticn or contamination" shall have ~"e meaning glvan in <br />Minnesota Rule 4725,0100, subp;!lrt 34, <br />(Coca, 1968 S 30,23; Addec by Ord. No 63-37,10-7-63: Ord. No. 70-14,4-20-70; Ord, No. 93-29, 6-7.93; Ord. <br />No. 96-00, 11-4.96) <br /> <br />11.9 <br />