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<br />O~/O1l2002 FRI 1)9: 49 FAX 6127852859 <br /> <br />CITY OF CIRCLE PINES <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ORDINANce #116-2 <br /> <br />Adoptad by County Board AcIlQn on Octllbet 10, 1995 <br /> <br />COUNTY OF ANOAA <br />Mokll COlJnt)', Mlnn...~ <br /> <br />JUVENILE CURFEW ORI:J1NAN9lii <br /> <br />The ,~j1C"il. County Soard of Commi~.ionenl Qrdain~: <br /> <br />1.00 PURPOSES AND F1NDINGS <br /> <br />1.01 The Ai'.oiQ County SOMd 01 Ccmmi....ior.e'" fin"", and detllflTllr...~ that Ihere has be..., an <br />inor........ in jwenil" violence end crime by juvenil<l'l in !he Ccuniy 01 Ar""ka. <br /> <br />1.02 ,juveniles ara pattleuls.rly sU3eapilble oy their lack of mll.turllY'and exp'5rie~"'" 10 participate <br />In unlawful aciivitJe~ and to be 'Iictim~ of older per~trato~ of orime, <br /> <br />1.03 <br /> <br />S,,<;;OlJ'. of 1he tQr"~Qi~~, special and wenuatir,g clreumstanees presently exist wllhJn this <br />eoumy ti1at require speci:aJ re(JulltiJon 01 juvenile" within 111e C<ll.Inty in order to protec:t them <br />a.,d 01l1er pensons during ihe nighllime hour3, to aid In crime preveniion, to premote <br />par~nt.=I supervision U'ld authority ever mino!'O, and to decre".... Juvenile crime r..le.., <br /> <br />1.04 <br /> <br />In a<:corCaI108 with prevailing community slal1dard.:a, thIS ordlnanca Serves to r"guJa~ t,.. <br />conduct 01 miners In public places during nighttime hou,,", to be affec:tlvely and ccnsistently <br />enforced ler the protec'jon cl juvenileo Irom "eh oth"r w from other pers<ll13, in pu~lic <br />pl..ce.. during nighttime hOlJrn. fQr lh<I enforcement of parenW CQI'\1rol 01, authQrity ov"", and <br />r.sponsibili~1 lor their children, lor the protedon 01 the general pUblic from nighttime <br />mlschiel by Juveniles, for ihe ritductlon in the Incidentl oi juvenile crlmil1;L! activiti..., fQr In" <br />fuMeranoc 01 family reopor1llibility o.nd lor th" public good. slltety and welfare. <br /> <br />1.0~ It is 11110 Intent 01 tI1e Coumy 6eard tc review -nd evaluate the need and effect at nighttime <br />clll'few tor juveniles set forth In th!$ ordlmlnCl on 111. incidents 01 juvenile criminal ac:tlvity <br />o.nd protedion of i ""enilo. ..gai~t criminal activity. <br /> <br />2,00 AlITHORITY <br /> <br />2.01 Thi~ Crdin:li"c~ ):1 :(1;a=a~ ;::uriJl.:~n~ t~ lr,~ aLt.hcr.l'1 granted UI"'~Qr ,,,,Iron. St:iU. S 14SAC:e1 <br />s\.Icd. 7a (1994), <br /> <br />3.00 DEFINIT10NS <br /> <br />3,01 'Authorized adult" "hall mean !lilY p..~on whe Is a.l least &ighle..n (1 SJ years of age aJ'ld <br />authert::ed cy a parent or guardIan to have custody and centrel 01 .. juvenile. <br /> <br />3.02 "County Soard" shall mean the Anoka County a.......d of Commissioners. <br /> <br />3.03 'Emergency' meo.ns an unlcres....n combinator. 01 circumsUnoos or the reouJti~,g slo.te that <br />calls ier immedlal= actio," Th. term Include., but is notlim~ed 10l, a TITe, a. natur:a1 disaster, <br />a.utomcbile !ccident, or any sUuation re'l'Jiring Immediate aelion 1<:1 prevent serious bodily <br />injury or IQ~~ Qf Il1e, <br /> <br />i4I 002 <br /> <br />~ <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />