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<br />0~/01/2002 FRI 09: 50 FAX 6127852859 <br /> <br />CITY OF CIRCLE PINES <br /> <br />iii OO~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Page 2 QROINANCE #95-1 <br /> <br />3.Q.4. "Juveniie' mean~ .. pars"" under 1he age of aigh1een Ii 8) yeats, The lerm dee. n~t include <br />perscn$ under 1 S whc are married cr have been emancipated. <br /> <br />3,05 "Parent" 5haJI mean any penson having lil9aJ ousteoy cr .. :uVe~lle in as natural, adoptiv'l <br />parent. er stepp",ent; (11] all a 1<19:01 guardian; Qr (iii) as a person ie whom legal custedy has <br />been given by erder of the court. <br /> <br />3.06 "Pui:llc pia",,," meB!1S any placs tc which the public or a ~ui:~tarni!\J group of the public has <br />,,"CC3SS and Inciudes, but is not limned te, .treet., highw.ys. roadways, parks, public <br />recroation, entertainment or civic fadliii"", oeheola, and the cornmcn areas cl heapltals, <br />apartment houses, offic8 buildings, transport tacilltle:a, anc shops. <br /> <br />3~07 "Sericu~ bodily injury" rn.,an= bodily iniurr that creabs a sub"tantlal risk of death or that <br />caus.s death, serious permanent dl.19gurement, or protracted loss or impairment or lhe <br />funCtion of any bodily member or ergan. <br /> <br />4.00 PROHIBITED ACTS <br /> <br />4.01 It is unlawtul lor a JUVenile under the age or tweive (12) year. to be present in any public <br />place wil"ln Anoka County' <br /> <br />A. AM'! time b..tween 9:00 p.m, on any Suncay, Monday,, W..dMesday or <br />1l'M$dllY, and 5;00 a.m. 01 the follewing day. <br /> <br />S, Any time between 10:00 p.m. on any Friday or Saturday and 5;00 ..m. the lollowing <br />da.y. <br /> <br />"-02 It sMail be unlaw/ul for any juvenile age twelve i12) to fourteen (H) years te be present in <br />any p~bjic place within Anokl. County: <br /> <br />A Any ~Im. between 10,00 p,m. on any Sunday, Monday, Toesday, Wednesday er <br />Ti'lUrsdl.Y, and 5:00 a.m. ollMe following day, <br /> <br />51, ,A.ny'lme between 11 :00 p.m, on any Friday cr Saturday and 5;00 c,m. on t~e <br />lollowlng day. <br /> <br />4.03 It .hall b. unlawful tor any juvenile age fifteen (15) te seventeen (17) years to be In any <br />public piace within Anoxa Ccunty: <br /> <br />A. Any time betwoOfl 11,00 p.m, on ~I"IY' SUnday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or <br />Thur.<lay, and S:OO a.m. of the foUowlng day, <br /> <br />8~ Any time b,,'!ween 12;01 ".m, and 5:IlO a.m. on .ny Saturday or Sunday. <br /> <br />+.'~4 It 5call be unlawiwl tor a parent or autMri4ed adult of . juvenile tc knowingly, or Ihrcugh <br />negligent .upeNlsion, habitually permli such juvenUF. to be in any public place within ihe <br />county during the haurs prohibited by 4.01,4.0:2, and 4,03 oi this Subdivision <br />herein, under circumstance. not consliiutlng an excepti.:)n to this orclll"lanca as Sat forlh <br />h8rein. Th.. term "kncwin\jly" include. knowledge which a pareni or auihorized adull shall <br />reasonably be expec:iad to htolv," cencerning the wher.abcU1s 01 a leN"nile under such <br />~er!~n's eare. <br />