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<br />00/01/2002 FRI 09:51 ~~ a127852~59 <br /> <br />CITY OF CIRCLE PINES <br /> <br />~005 <br /> <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />ORDINANCE iJg5-1 <br /> <br />6. <br /> <br />The owner. operator or employee rs....onably and in good faith relied upon a <br />iuven/le'~ reprssetltation~ of proof 01 age. Proof at age may be establi:shed pursuant <br />to Minn. Slai. ~ 349A.503, subd. 6, or other vannable means, inc:luding, bui not <br />limited to. school id.ntffica~on cards and birth cartltlc:atii'l. <br /> <br />6.00 eNFORCEMENT <br /> <br />I <br />, <br /> <br />6.01 <br /> <br />S.,/ors taking Oiny .niorcemeni action under t/'II~ !ectlcn, .. pollee o/flcer ehall ~k the <br />ap!"'r.rrt offender's age and ra"5Cl/'1 fer halng In a publk: plaea. The cfflear shall not issue <br />a e1tatlon or make an arrest undar this s.ction unl...~ the officer raasonably belie"es that <br />an otren... has cccurred and that ne exception set lorth in SUbdivision S .00 is appiicable. <br /> <br />7.00 Pi:IlAL TII!!S <br /> <br />7,01 Violation ot Subdhli.j'~n 4,01, 4.0<1 4.0~ wiil oe pro.eclJted pursuant 10 Minn. Stilt i <br />260.185 and will be sublect to tM$ penalties therein. . <br /> <br />7.02 Vlolatlan at Subdivi.ion 4.04 or 4-,05 .hall be a mi.demeanar, <br /> <br />8.00 CONTINUING REVIEW AND EVALUATiON <br /> <br />8.01 The County Attorney .hall prepare and submit a raport annually to the County Beard <br />evaluating violations 0/ this section and the criminal activity Cy and "gain~t iuvenil.... within <br />t/'Ie ~cunty during :ne preaooing yoal. Tho first report. ,shall 1:16 submitted one yesr attel the <br />effective date In Subdivision 10. <br /> <br />9.00 SeVERASII.IT'I <br /> <br />g.01 It my coun 0/ competent jurisdlo1lon shall .djUdge "ny provisions of this ordln:ane>; to be <br />Invalid, such judgment .hall not affect any other provillions 01 thi. ordinane. not specHically <br />inclUded in !aid Judgment <br /> <br />10.00 El"l"I!!CTlV1!! DATE <br /> <br />10.01 The effectiVe d..te 01 this ordinancs shall he Decambar 1, 1996, <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />~~ (14/J. <br />Jo "Jay" cl.1na.n <br />County Admlni$!r.tol <br /> <br />\ <br />~\ \I \ <br />6y: ~__ '-...J~ ~ <br />Dan Erhart. rts Chairman <br />