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<br />0,);01/2002 FRI OS: 50 FAX 6127852859 <br /> <br />CITY OF CIRCLE PINES <br /> <br />1ilJ004 <br /> <br />I>ag.. 3 OROINANCE 1IS5-' <br /> <br />4.05 ft sh:lll Q~ ~niawfuj for ..ny per""n operating or in cnarge of any place 0/ am~MmMt or <br />refreshment whioh i$ ~pen to Ihe I'~blic to knowingly and haiJitu..ny permil any Juvenile to <br />be in 5~oM place d~rlng the hou"" prchibilild by Para..raphs 4,01. 4.02, and 4,OJ 01 this <br />Subdlvlslcn herein, under ci[cum~lat1ces not con:sttluling an ,"xc"otlon 10 !his Ordinance as <br />set lorth herein, The term "per,;cn operating' shaH mean any Individual, firm, assodation <br />partnership or corporation operallng, managing or conducting any such e:stahlishment Th~ <br />term indudes Ihe members or partnero 01 an all.oclation or partner.lhip and the office," oj <br />a corporation. <br /> <br />5,QO €(C81'TIONS <br /> <br />5,01 Th" following shall con~titIJ1~ valid oxoepllon. to the QP~r..llon 01 th~ ';:'-lI1.w: <br /> <br />,r.., <br /> <br />At any time, '/ a juvenile i3 acccmp..nlee by hia or "er pareni or an authorized ad~lt; <br /> <br />8. <br /> <br />At any time, if.;, iuven~l~ is Involved inj or attampting t::= remed~'l aJlevl~te, or respohd <br />to an emergency; <br /> <br />c. <br /> <br />If the juvenile Is engaged in a lawiul empioymem aOUvlty, ,or ,. goil,S to or ratur:ning <br />home trom his or her pi"". 0/ omploymenr, <br /> <br />u. <br /> <br />If the juvenile i~ attondIng 811 official school. rOllglous, or otner social .;:r re",,"aliona! <br />activity sU~ervised by adults and sponsored by a oity or the co~niy, a oivlc <br />organiza~on, or another similar entiy that takas r.spollalbllliy lor the fuvenile; <br /> <br />If the juyenile is gOing to or relurning home hom, wilho!Jt err<; detour or stop. Sf1 <br />offiCial schOOl. religious, or olh~r recr.stionsJ !lC':ivitll s'Jpectlsad by .."ults and <br />sponsored by a ciry C( the county, a civic organiZallcn, Or another similar emj~{ that <br />takn rO$ponslblilty tor the juvenile; <br /> <br />~ <br />r. <br /> <br />If the iuvenil<. i. on !LI1 errand as dir~cled by his or her parent, without an'l oetour or <br />stop; <br /> <br />G. <br /> <br />If th.. i~v"nile Is engaged In interstate travel: <br /> <br />H, <br /> <br />if tho luvenile is on thQ p~blic 'ight.or.way bc~l~v"rd or sld"",alk abutting the <br />Juvenile's rgs[denc.. or abutting th!!l neic,;hbc.lring Flrcperty, :!tructure, or re=sidence; <br /> <br />I. <br /> <br />it Ihe luvende I.,g Rrsl Amenomer,l right. protected by tne United State. <br />Ccnstin.~cn (or thc~e almllar ,'ght~ protected by Artid~ I of the Constitution oj the <br />State 01 MI;'lnesota), such a. free exercise at reli~ion, freedom of speech, and the <br />right. at asumbly: or, <br /> <br />J. <br /> <br />if ~'1~ iwenlle Is homeless ar.U.~ a public or sami-public place as his or her usual <br />place of abode. <br /> <br />5,02 it i. an affinmative detense to prosecution under Sucd, 4,OS tn''\: <br /> <br />A, The owner, cperator or employee of an establishment prcmctJy nctinOld tl1. police <br />department that a juvenile was present on ihs preml.!il~ or tii.! est;abllshmem during <br />curlew hours ,snd refused to leave. <br />