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<br />U1c <br /> <br />u,ag". of Mill,....ol. em... <br />Citiu promoting~" <br /> <br /> <br />,t.-. ClTYOJ'FOREST~';~' <br />1\ ORDINANCE NO;448';r.: <br />AN ORDINANCE TO LlCENSE'AN!I <br />REGULATE SAUNAS AND MASSAGE <br />PARLORS IN-T!IE CITY OF FOREST <br />'LAKE. . ... ',,; <br />The City Coonci1 01 the City 01 F_ <br />. Lake, Minnesota hereby ordains: ",- \ ;i- <br />! That Chapter 29 of the City COde Of ~ <br />City of Forest Lake Is bemby ~ <br />and a new Chapter 29ls substituted Iialfi <br />plaeeas fOllOWS,: ' -,~,~.;..' <br />CHAPTER ..-"" <br />SAUNA AND MASSAGE PARLOBst <br />Sec. ....1 STATEMENT OF POLIcY" <br />The City Coonci1 01 the City 0I~' <br />Lake deoms it ...,.,...y 10 prooldef<<' <br />lbe spedal and 9pn!fIS. ..guJa.U U;ciqli~>;<<' <br />busi.nesses or eommercla1 eu~, <br />which operate as m.assap parlors' i8.1i-~ <br />nas and similar adult orieatated~' <br />e!l operating under dif(enutll8lliii:Iii' <br />order 10 protect the publJe be.lIb.IiJe!t. <br />and weUare and 10 guar<I agaloIt lIii"". <br />ceptlOD and traftsmisaloa of cUsease:'$, <br />City Cooncil lurther!lnds lIlat ~, <br />da1 enterprises such as the - ~: <br />scribed .bove, and aU otbl!r ,. -",'. <br />establishments whose serVIceS: ~' <br />_OIlS offered Ioadulla,~, ,,' .~ <br />private by members of the SlIIIli&" '-, <br />OJlIlClOile sex. and employlac .,.. <br />will... speelalized _ are . ," ' <br />tible to operation in a II1llDQer ~~ <br />_. aubvertiog or _........lbO <br />morals 01 tho _."",ity '" b<lItg;~ <br />site of acCa ol ~!Outlon. Dlicit sez Alia <br />occasions of vioIMfClimet. U:iu.'-~-' <br />log close I~. u....itDc and... <br />talion. ":;~"',;-('~.:i"");,::~ <br />The City 90undl also. fiDds _ that Cait- <br />ti-ol amI' regula.tiao of. eommefdal <br />estabUshments of these types, In vieW of <br />the abuses-often perpetrated, require ill- <br />tenslve efforts by the PoUee ~ <br />.nd other departments ol the City. All a <br />CM$equenee, lhe concentrated use at <br />City services In such control detracts <br />[rOm and reduces the level at service- <br />avaUable to the rest of the commtUlltY <br />and thereby diminishes the ability of the <br />City to promote the general health, wel- <br />fare, morals'and safety of the commwd- <br />IY. <br />Set. 29.1l2. DEFlNlTIONS <br />As lISed In this Chapter the terms de- <br />nned shall have the meanings 118cribed <br />to them. .'. <br />(al Busineu License: A license issued <br />by the City autborizing the practlc~n* <br />administering oC, masaage or the opera- <br />tion of a sauna on prell1iaes witbla the <br />C:Ity of Forest Lake. . - j <br />(b) Massage: The rubbing, -.trokiag. <br />kneading, tapping or rolling 0( Uti' body <br />ut another WIth the bands for thll excJd.: <br />slve ptU"pO:fC 01 physical fitness, feJu. <br />ation, beauUficatlon and for no other <br />purpose. . <br /> <br />~- <br /> <br />Research and Information Service <br /> <br />(c) MasNge Certificate: A certificate <br />issued by the City to a m.asaeur Or mas. <br />seuse authOrizing tile. bolder.lbereot to'. <br />practice or,"administer. massBge in tho <br />City of Forest Lake. . :,' - <br />, Cd) Mass.ige Parlor: Any premiseS at <br />or in wbicbmassage is perf~. , .' <br />(e)~:AmaJe~wJ:lopr~c. <br />tices or adDi1msters massage. -'--. "," <br />(l) M.......' A lemale pen<m _ <br />practices oridminlstera massage. <br />(g) Saun:l: A steam bath or beat bath- ' <br />ing t'OOm uSed {or the purpoie or bath- <br />Ing, relaxlni'!< reducing ulilJzing steam <br />or hot. air 81 a cleaning, relaxing or re- <br />duclngage.i. '.' , <br />SeC. t _, 29.03MASSAGE <br />DISTINGUl!8ED <br />The practice of massage I.s hereby de- <br />clared to be dlstiDct from the_~cttc:e of <br />medicine, sUrgery, osteopathy; Cbiro- <br />practlC, pb~1 therapy, or podiatry <br />and persomtdulai.licensedin this stale to: <br />practiC& m~; ~urgerr, OsteOpa,tby/ <br />chiropractic, physlciaJ therapy; Or podia..- <br />try, and nurses who wort solely ....~ <br />thedlrection alsucb~_ are~l.'-" <br />expressly e~J~._lI!t':'~!f:si~_.. <br />of this Chapter.- -Beauty -eu1tuiists aDd <br />barben who do not give. 01' bold them- <br />selves out to give, maasage treatinerits~ <br />as defined herein, other than is CU51- <br />arlly given In sueh shops or places,' . <br />businesS, for the purpose of beaut.l!l,.,~: <br />lion only shall be exempt from the~! <br />siODll oC this Chapter. . ,,-,:~~(.: <br />Athletic dlrectonl and traiDers"!WI'i <br />perform massages m \he course ~.~~.:i <br />athletic program or event which b.~" <br />sored by a local unit oC govemmcnt,~.,: <br />na fide educati-oaal l.asUtutlol\ comvlY':I\ <br />log with state or local regulations, bona <br />fide churches, synagogues or btsl1tu.... <br />Uooa 0( arganlzed. rellgion or bona Ode, <br />non~profit civic organizations are ex. <br />pressly excluded from the .requirements \ <br />01 this Chapter prOvided that the per. <br />Conning: of massages is subsidiary to the <br />performing of other services and wks. . <br />~ Sec. 29.04 BUSINESS LICENSE HE- I <br />QUIRED I <br />Subd. I. No person shall eagage In the. I <br />busineSS of operatlng a sauna or ~ i <br />sage parlor either exclusivdy or U\ eon. ' <br />needon with any other business enter. '1 <br />prise without obtaining a business <br />l\eense as pl")vided in IhisCha-pter. <br />Subd. 2. Whenever any establlshment <br />ceases to be licensed as a massage par'. , <br />\er or saW\8 whether thtougb the sus-- . <br />pension. caneellaUon, revocation, 'noore- <br />newal or lapse of its license, its owners ' <br />sba1llmmediately remove Crom public <br />view any sign or display which identUles <br />the establishment as beiJ2g a S8UDli or '\ <br />massage parl~ _or as offering saLZDa or <br />massage sefVlces. . <br />Sec. 29.05 CONTENTS OF APPLICA. <br />TION FOR BUSINESS LICENSE I <br />Application for a buJiness lieenae <br />shall be made only on the forms provid- <br />ed by the City Clerk. Four eomplete c0p- <br />ies of the applicaUon sball be lurmshed, <br />to the office of the City Clerk cootainlng <br />the following Infonnatlon: <br />{a \ address and legal description 0{ <br />the properlY to be used: <br />(b) the names, addresses and phone <br />nwnbet"! ol the oWner, lessee. If any, <br />and the operator or manager; <br />(c) the name, address aod telephone <br />number of two persons whosbaU be resi. <br />dents of Waahlngton County and who <br />may be called upon to atl.elt to the appU. I <br />cant's, manager's or operator's charac- <br />...., <br /> <br />Classification <br /> <br />~c)p <br />1bv~s+ W<.V <br />_~CC., ~1q'17 <br />- / <br /> <br />Municipality <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />SeC. 29.07 GRANTING OR DENIAl <br />OF LICENSES . <br />LJcense appUcsUons IbaJI be reviewec <br />(dJ whether the applicaat. ma":fer or by the ponce Departmea~ Planainc De. <br />portm..t. and IUCb ...... departqiea~ <br />operator has ever been eoavic' of a as the City Clerk abaD deem _.... <br />crime or otteaA other thaa a tnlfie at. The review shan inclUde any ~ <br />Cense and, If so, complete and accurate of the premises covered by the aPliUca. <br />Information as to the time, place and na~ Uon by the BuiJdfDg IPspector arid FIre <br />:ecn:~C:~:~ioffense inc~~ De~ent to determine ~'-tbe <br />(e) the names and ~~tseS ctllUorm.s to aU apPlIcable <br />~ ..equhem..... -........u... <br />creditors of theappUcant, owner. tessee. shall be made in writing to (bi':'Cl'" <br />or DlaIllRer losOlar as and regarding Clerk. Tbereattcr, UceDSeS ibail_-~ <br />credit wblch has been extencled {or the granted or deDied by tbe Cty CJeZt:; lOb- <br />~ .1 _lru,liog. equipping. Jeel 10 tile provislOllS.oI lbIsCb&\ltet <br />~:,~ ~=:e,o:- =g::. Th~_nappllcant maY,a~:!%lbe',ptY <br />feets, equipmeJ't or anything inCIdent to Council (rom tbe CJert', decUfon.:~-I;''::': <br />the establishment, maintenance and oP- See. 29.06 CONDmONS GOVERN <br />erattoa of the massage parlor 01' mas-- ING ISSUANCE OF A BuSim:ss 'U~ <br />sage establlahntent;' . - ':'~".' CENSE-..- . <br />(f} if theappllcaUcm Is made on behau: . SUbd: 1. 'No business Ueense-abaii be <br />01 a corporation. joint bwdness venture. 15Sued if the aPPlicant or any DIltS 0Wll. <br />partnership or any legally constitUted en. ~ees, managers, employees or <br />bustneu association, It ahaU aulimlt agents IS a person 0{ bad repute. <br />along with its appJicatlon.accura~ -and Subd. 2. BusiQeu Ucenses shaIfbe fs.- <br />complete business records showing .tbe sued only II the applicant and aU of its <br />names and addresses of aU individuals owners. lessees, managers employees <br />having an interest In the business,' In- and agep~ are tree of convktions tot of. <br />c1uding partners. officers, OWlIers miD- (enses whi!:b Involve moral turpitude or <br />agen, members of the board of dIree- which reb~ dltecUy to such penoD'll <br />tors, and credltonJ furnishing c:redit tor atllebWdty.. capacity. or fitness to perform <br />the estabUshment. actJUisiUon, malate- uties and discharge the respoasibjJ <br />nance and fUl'llishlng ot'satel buainesalq.. lUes of the liCensed activity. . <br />eluding the purchase or acquisition ~ Subd. 3. Licenses shaU be issued ani <br />any ileD1ll of personal property for use In 10 applicaats who have not. within ~ <br />said operation. year pri~ to the date 01 appUcatioa <br />tal complete and accurate docwnen- been denied lkensure' or who ba not <br />tation e:Jtabllshing the interest ol the ap- within such period had their Ueea: ,. <br />plieant and any other-person having aD v~bd'. ,. "-----shaU be IR~.~' <br />inteRs\ in the premises upon or mwbieb ~ _ on) <br />the business ill proposed to be located in to appliCAnts who have answered ruu~ <br />the form of a lease, deed, contract for aU o.f lf1:e ,laIonnaUon reqUested in the <br />deed,. mortgage deed, mortgage eredlt applicatiOn, have paid, the run lieeme <br />arrangement, loan agreements. security fee .and have cooperated with the City jQ <br />.greements and any other documents review of tbe apptlcatlon ' . <br />establlshlng the Interest of the appUeaat Subd. 5. A Ucense shali DOt 1)& gtaDted <br />or any other person in the operation. ae-- to an appliCant who is under the age ~ 18 <br />qubltlOd. or maintenance of the enter- years. <br />prlse altering masaage; Subd. 6. Licenses may be granted on! <br />(h) the appUcatlon ,shaD also contaJn !D1' locatiohS with buslne:S8 zoOe5 aU : <br />blueprints, diagrams, plans. layouts and mg slmilar,activitles. ow <br />the like showing the construction, revi. Subd. 7. Liceuses IMy be granted Oaly <br />sion, remodellng, alteration or addlUons ~ estab-~. cots WhiC, b can meet .... <br />of or to the premises and speciflealIy safely, . tary and buildlD& code re- <br />showingthelayout.deslgnandarrange- quiremen of tbe City, . ,....-- , <br />ment. of lhe batbing and restroom facUi. . SLIM a. A. U.~1l5f; shall DOt be g:iUted : <br />ties and the size and type of equip~ent if granting the license (a) would be in- : <br />and facUlties to be used. . consistent ,with the compreheosive de- <br />See. 29.06. BUSlNESS UCENSE -FEE, velopm.ent plan of the Clty. or (b) W<lUld <br />LICENSE INVESTIGA1'ION FEE AND otherwise have a detr:lmentaJ effect up. <br />LICENSE YEAR ~~Y. property or properties in the vi. <br />'nte investtgation Cee shaU be$2SIJ.OG <br />and the annual Ueen5Cl' fee sbaD be See. 29JJ9 CONSTRUCTION AND <br />$150.00. A license unless revoked, Ls for MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS <br />the eale.Pdar YeAr or a part thereof, far Subd. I. Each licemed premises sbaI1 <br />which it has been issued. Tbe license fee have a separate restroom for members <br />and fee for the investigation of the U- of each sex. <br />eense awllcatJon shall be paid wbeD the . Subd. 2. Floors, walls and equipment <br />application III rued. In the event; that the m massage rooms, restrooms and bath- <br />application IS denied or the license, oace roomalr md Wd: ~ kepi: in a state at good re- <br />Issued, IB revoked. canceled or SUITe1I- Pl:I an sanatary CODditicm at all Uma <br />dered, no part of !:he annual iiceuse fee Linen and alber- matertab shaD ~ <br />and investigation (ee sball be returned stored at Jeast twelve inches off the <br />to the appUcaat \1DleA by express actloa floor. ; <br />of the- CU.y Council. A stpa1'8tc 1lc:eDse Subd. 3. Itldividual Ioeken sbaU be ' <br />shall be obtaiMd eacll year (or each made available (or use by pa~. with I <br />place of business. The liefmllel! lIbaD db- each locker having separate tlys 1<< <br />play the license in a pnminen\ place m' locking. <br />the licensed premises at all times. A Jj. SU!>d. -t. Each licensed premises sbaD I <br />cense for the operation of a massagel pr~vlde adequate refuse recepUeJa <br />parlor or sauna is notltnM(erable:. W~lch shall be emptied as o<<en. as re- <br />quired. ';.. . <br />Subd. 5. The doors to the iodivfctiii" <br />m.assage rooms shall not be equipped <br />wdb any locking device nor sbaI1 they be <br />locked or obstructed from eitbeuide 01 <br />the door. Each individual masaageroam <br />s~U ~t:dn a private dreDiItI area' <br />With hot ~nd cold water. Clean <br />towels. wash cloths antj linens must be <br />available far each eust.amer. <br />