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<br />Sut Main eotranc:e doors to the , <br />prem :18.U be unlocked at au Umes I <br />~ IIIeSS hours. <br />..... '. MASSAGE CER.TIl'I.. CATr'j' <br />REQUJ. 0 <br />No penuq IbaJI perfGnQ ~e... <br />...... Mlhlo~iiEt <br />certif1cateq 1a. '__ <br />S;;;;-".1l CA- <br />TION FOR kAssAGE CERTIFICATE <br />An appllcaUoa. fw a 1IWIaP:..:ertIn- <br />........U bOmade only CIIlI~~_'!; <br />ed by the City. The 'II\lUca_: ~ <br />coataift the following iDformatloD 10- <br />__ with a!'Y ~r illformatloa the <br />C1tymay~....." , <br />I.) Evidtlnce of the appJJca.nt s eduea- <br />Uoaa1 qualtll..Uons,lDcludinS_ <br />Of c:ertifled\copies of degrees, di~ <br />oreertUfcates. U any, Jndudfng Y'..... <br />receiving at least 100 hours ~ ~~ <br />.-peu=massage .tralnin&_.~ <br />nized and a by a staM or aa. tioDaI. . <br />prof...1 . ......peuUc ......,. .,.~: <br />Dlzaliee . ..... <br />(b) Ev~ of appUcant's pracUeal <br />qualitlcatiOfts to practice massage. _ "..... <br />(el The rfames' and addresses~~~~ <br />perIODS rejlde.ts of Waahi.glotl......, <br />!y, Who'm8~.bereren-ed. .....'to~.~lt;1 <br />pJlcaAt's character. _ - '~':';;'~'; <br />(dJ Wbethei the applie:atlon has ever <br />been I;onvicted of a crime or offense ,ofb..; <br />er tban a tralllc: offense. arid U $0, iDler-..:: <br />maUon as tOthe Ume, place and na~_, <br />olsuchc"*oroffeose. . _,,':\J:: <br />(eJ Evidebce in Ule Corm of a i:.w. r' <br />certUieate ~ a llcensed ph " ..} <br />practlcing ~ Mlonesotaindicat1ilgn~, <br />that MIbi.,the past 30 days !be physl- <br />eta. bas "\lUIlllled the .1I\l....~ aad.. <br />(Ii) that sudI exa~f:1on..w_~ lor. ~ <br />pw'pQlSOol~whe lbeap- <br />plleaQl had any commUllicable d:lseasa <br />azzdl.iil)tMt~aresull:ol~ex8JiJj. <br />nation he blilleves that appUcant Is <br />salreriag rrom any COIllIDWdeablD ..... <br />ease which would dJsqua1Hy Ute a~, <br />.... lram eagaglng ID the pra~!;t.l\l' <br />maaaa e" ~. '';'-;1:'.'" <br />Sec:. t:12 CERTIFJCATE FEE. CER- <br />TIFICATE /NVESTIGA:1'1()'!o- AND <br />CERTIFICATE YEAR . .""'..... . <br />'I11e IDvestigaUan I.. aIWI be 150.00 <br />and the annual certlflcate fee sba1l be <br />125.00. Tbe _..Ie year shall be Ihe <br />ealeOOar year and a' c:erWkate ahal1 be <br />,IUd r... the ......%..~c~..t~.= <br />yearll1whidlJlb ,.IU01 <br />fee aad fee lor Investigation for tbe etr- <br />un.... shall be paid wbeu !be .ppI1ca- <br />Uon is filed. In the eveut U1at l:b6 appU- <br />caUoa Is dellled or that'the certIf1cate, <br />once Issued, is revoked. canceled << sur- <br />r<ader<d, .. part of !be IlIDUlll certlfi. <br />cale fee and iDVel!ltigat1oa fee for tile ls- <br />suance of a eeitificate shaD be returned <br />to the applicant uuless by express ae. U.. <br />of the City Couneil. A i$ep&l'&te ~- <br />ate .haJJ be obtaJned each year.'1'be <br />certI/I.... holcler shall dlsplay Ihe __. <br />Wicate in a promiDeDt place in ,the, U- <br />censed premises .1 aU times. A i:a1llJ- <br />.... pennltUag the halc1er _." <br />practice massage is aoDtransferabkl. <br />See. 29~13,INVESTIGA110N OF AP- <br />PLICATION . -:' ~"'_11 L~ <br />Certificate Applications. ;wcw lie re- <br />Yiewed by thd~oU(9J~~p~l~eot wbicb <br />shaD furnish written recommendations <br />to the City Clerk. ~ter cerlH1cates <br />shall be ~ted or denied by the City <br />Clerk subject to the provisions of this <br />Chapter. the applicant. ,may appeal W, <br />the CUy CouncU from yie Clerk:'~.decl- <br />sion, ; <br />Sec. 29.14 CONDmONS GOv&RN- I <br />ING ISSUANCE OF A MASSAGE CER: <br />TIFICAn: . -I <br />Subd. 1. CertificateS shaD be issued <br />only to persons who have received aDd <br />call furnl$h proof of recejving at Just <br />100 hours of certified lberaplnlUc DlaS- <br />sage training recognized and accepted i <br />by a state or national pro{essjonaJ ttJera.. <br />pelitic massage organization. <br />Subd. 2 Certificates shall be Issued <br />only to persons of good repute and per.. <br />so~ who are in good health and free <br />from any eommunicable diseases which <br />would disqualify the applicant Crom en. <br />gaging in the practice of massage. <br /> <br />Subd. J. Certificates sbalI be iaued <br />only to penom free Of canvicUons tor ~ <br />(enses 'kbich involve mOral turpitude 01' <br />which relate direcUy to such penon~. <br />ability, capacity, or fttDess to perform <br />the duties and.~ d1e resportSlbU. <br />lties of the oecupattoa;: ' <br />Subd. .. c.....lJcalelt....U not be... <br />SQed to persGf\S wbi:t1lave, within one' <br />year prior to the date 01 appUcatiQD, <br />been debied eertiIJea&a; << who. have <br />had his ortler certlfICate revoked or IW'- <br />reode<ecI Jot.... by ..'''JjaIIUcaJ i_vi- <br />.1 m..."""""",;'lI1 a.. Stale ellllD'J <br />on. ~~ ..-z.y.. . ~ <br />~. s. Ce.tirica... oi.anb; laa1led1 <br />Oldy to applicants who lIave tuIly'i#Id.: <br />truthfWly answered aD. oIlhe laform.a:..{ <br />tion requested in the asiPI.' Il:a~ ~" <br />paid the full certificate teie and _ <br />tion iovestlgatioo (ee. . , . ' <br />Subel. 6. Certilleatea shall be .. <br />ONY to persons 18 years 01 age or oIdier~~h~, <br />Sec. 29.15 RESTRICTIONS. AND.,,",,,, <br />REGULATIONS .. ._.,:~,~\ <br />Subd. 1. No businesa liceDsee Ibalt.~t <br />pJoy any person as a ~ or.~ <br />seuse without first .lasuIiaa" that:~.i <br />em.lay.. ......... . valid cerlIII<:Alli' <br />lor the administration or pract1-:e~_;iif,' <br />massage. The certir:lCatelhaJI be -:;"'; <br />.eally aad _ diapIa,oed ..Ihe~. <br />mlses. . :.1;..: <br />Subd; 2. The licensed premlsell ~ <br />not be open or in operatioo between'~.. <br />boursot l1:00P.M, 8Dcl8:00A.14.,ca <br />.llCCOC<fingday....shallaay_ <br />.pged in tbe ptactlce.OI massage~: _,~ <br />said.......... ... pel1'1"" aay ~ <br />or administer any SUCh_ services:-' <br />tw.een the hours 0111:00 P.M. and, - (10, <br />".M...!besua:eedlag~. "',' . <br />Subd. 3. The ncensee.;'~). <br />masseur and 8Dy persOaI in tbeIrr~....- <br />pJoy or agents or offICeis thenKI'l,-' _ <br />.ay and lIll penaaa wtlb lDleresllD. aild, <br />basIDess sbaU ....p1y _ .U .~: <br />ble ordinanceS. regulatiGDs and la_,~ <br />tbeClty of Forest Lake. tbestate of _:. <br />neaota and' tbe Vnitecf""States Gov~ <br />meat. . '~1.,. <br />Subd.4. U the HCCDSei'lia ...' <br />","_lloa.!be~shan,... <br />nate a penon to be manager in('~. <br />....poasIbJe charg. ellJ>e.~I.....S\Ii;Ii:, <br />person sIWl remain ft!IIplIDSibIe for c;cm-:;; <br />duct of the business lmUhnotber..mt7,-; <br />.ble _ bas been deaIl/aaled ID ." <br />IDg by the U....... TbeJ.i<easee sbOI! <br />Oh. natiI the poIicodepartmeal Ill' <br />pn>mp..,. y . . ,-" . <br />.wrttiDg of any dwlge iD:~nager ~ <br />eating the nam., address.pd. ... " <br />number of !be QeW mani(er ~'" l,,' <br />lec:Uvedaleof....cbso&e. '~O;;E'!j _.. <br />Subd. 5. Every llcebSee,sbaD _' ,e': <br />and allow an examiDatkla .ud... . _~ ,>;': <br />U.. of ...". part ellbe .....-~.. <br />pollce, fire or other authority of tho City <br />_ -....-bciDn.1x ~ <br />each year. Re!uaaI to allow such~: <br />Uon or to answer the request ol CIty pO; , <br />Uee, fine or other authority tQ be adniit:; <br />ted".-pramlaeasbaUi>e <br />grounds Cor suspellSiotl or r;evoc:atloo~~ <br />aUllceDlM;!S. ..... <br />Subd. 6. Any person acting as a znas;.; <br />seur or DUl88eU8e sbaU ba~ his en:: bl!r';, <br />certilJcate dltpJayed lD It promlneitt:' <br />piace at his or ber place ol employment. <br />and UpoQ demand by any pollee ofhcer_ <br />or oUler autbotized officer,or agent ~ <br />the City of Forest Lake, ~ ~ ei:1._-, <br />gaged in practictDg massage shall ideD-, <br />tify bimself or herself ctvbii: his or her~: <br />true legal name, cortecC8ddresa a~., <br />te1epbonenumber. i.fG E.,. <br />Subd. 1. No _ uacIo{l'. y..", Oi". <br />age shall be permltted upoq or allowed <br />to be empJoyed OJ" to serve~Jp any b- <br />Ushment licensed under ~ proviai <br />of thisCbapter'~1 <br />Subd. B. Aay penoQ pcacUcing mas- <br />sage within the City ol Forest Lake BhaU .. <br />initlaUy advise the CIty ol his or her ad- <br />dress BIll:{ telephone number and shaU . <br />lurther advise the City of aDy changes in <br />address or teiephoae DUmber within <br />thlr1.y (30) days of such cbaage. <br />Subd. 9. Aay person practicing DUll. <br />sage within the City DJay do so only at <br />premises which are Ucensed (or the c0n.- <br />duct of such business IUl herein provided <br />a~ further'. any person ptKtJc1ng mas-- <br />sage sbaU Inform the City of any ~ng~ <br />es in employment or the location ollWl <br />or her- empJoymerrt lVitfUQ!be City with- <br />In seven (7) da)'l!l after such change, <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Subd. 10. Every pel'lOQ to whoal a ~ <br />massage cerUflcate IJ iuued :shaD ap-, <br />pOraaaaIIy .t tile PGIice Deport-'i <br />:=t to receive deliver)' of the ~ <br />cateaod~.uc:ba~ ..,.., <br />........_ r... IdeaWlcliU.. .= <br />eo. Oaa ""Pl' of Ihe _pb~'.-"''::..'' <br />penna_y aIlIJrecl to ihe ~~.... . <br />aad . secood capy therea/ sbaU i>e lo!jIt.. <br />iDtbefiklsoftbePolice~ ..;t' <br />Subd. 11. Prke ratea::t"~the...-vlqo., <br />....U be promlDenlly pas ". _.... , <br />Uon area in a location aQUabJe to'lD <br />~peeUve~f;!I'S._,,_'.::. <br />Sec. 29-:16 HEALTH AND DISEAs,E <br />CONTROL ' :C <br />No person wbi1e affllctecl with any ~ <br />ease In a comm.11IIicab1e lorm or wbQe. <br />carrierof...._..._.~ <br />or any acute resplrab:q,!!fectioa._' <br />WOI"I:ID"'''''''Ihe~aay .' <br />..............aadao. .,bioWIi........ <br />~led of belDgMlh <br />__.....1...:;; ," ! <br />sue disease or I.."VIMoIl1olWl: " " <br />''', -,,", <br />'played or periiiluetffn SIlCb area',clr: <br />pecity. .J" <br />Sec:. 29.11 .REVOCATlO..... <br />SION OR NONRENEW: <br />BUSINESS LICENSE OR_ <br />CERTlFICATE.~'.: :"..y;:':\0. <br />, 'l1te business Ucense or massag c_ , <br />tificate may be revoked, suspended fir,. <br />not_renewed by the City Council ~,' <br />recommeadaU.. .UIle City ClerIr. by" <br />sh<lwJag that the Ucensee, itsowiiera< <br />managers. employees. agents ~,;aDY:'.: <br />other lnterested parties, as e~~'1 <br />m Section 29.05 with the excepU~~;, <br />creditors, or the masseur or~;. <br />have engaged in any of the foll~~~ <br />conduct: . ~,...-.;k~ <br />(a) Fraud, ~ption or ~ <br />taUoo in connecUou'witb 1he.8ec.'Ur'iDI,' ~ <br />the liceDse '~:,!!";,;;;".:: <br />(b) Habitual drunkeness or lnteiii~~ <br />anee iD the use af drugs illCludlag bufDOf: <br />limited to the use of drugs, defined_.lD- <br />Minnesota Statutes, Seettoa 618.01. 'b:8r,. <br />bUuratea:, balludnog"enic drugs.'i..~; <br />pbetamints, be...-.., cIell_ or <br />other sedatives, depressants, llt:iJQuJaa:ts <br />ortnmquUizera. .--t,"." <br />(en Engaging in conduct lnvolViJ1g <br />matal ~tude by pennitUDg or ~, <br />IDg others within their employ,or .g~ <br />to engage in conduct Involvtng m~ <br />tw'p-Jtude or falling to prevent agents, Of: <br />lleers or employ~ in engaging In ~ <br />duct involVing moral ~tude. "-:~~ <br />.'_d,Failure to Cully c:omply with <br />requirements City Code oltbaQ <br />of Forest Lake relPU'dinl the. aaDl <br />a4d safety condlUoos, umtog , .. <br />meats, bt>>Iding cOde requ1rementa <br />ordinances, the vtoiaUon of which, In- <br />volves moral turpitud<<l, or failure' to <br />comply lully with any requirements' Of <br />tbIs Cbapler. . . '. <br />(ej Conviction of an offense involving <br />moral ~itude by any court ol com~' <br />tentjurisdlctlon. . -". <br />(f) Engaging In any conduct whteh <br />would constitute grounds for refusal to; <br />Wile a business Ucease or massage~- <br />tificate herein. <br />Se1::.29.18APPE:ALS <br />The licensee or ma8$8ge certlfieate <br />hoider may appeal such suspension, re-' <br />voeation or nonreuewal to the City eoun:. . <br />ell. The Council shall CODSider lhe ap- . <br />peal at the next regularly scheduled <br />Councu meeting on or alter ten daj13 <br />ftonl service of the notice oC appeal on <br />the City Clerk. At the conclusion of the <br />hearing, tbeCouneUma)'otder: ( :,<' <br />(a) That the revocation. auapensi.onor <br />nonrenewal be alfinned. ',.; ,-c. <br />(bJ That the revocaUon, suspensiOQ or . <br />noorenew-al be lHted and that the license <br />or certificate be rtinstated. ;','. <br />(c) The City CllUDciI may base either <br />suspension or issuance of the neeDle or <br />certificate upon any additional ler1ns, <br />conditions and aUpulations which It <br />may, in its $Ole discretion. Impose, <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />, <br />