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<br />, <br /> <br />Motion by Commissioner McLean. seconded bv Commissioner Wilbarber to <br />recommend to Council an extensioll to July 1. 2002 to move the shed. All in favor. <br />Motioll carried unanimouslv. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wilharber explained that Bill Michaels used to be a Circle Pines <br />Lexington Police Officer and Leanne Huhl is Gene Huhl's daughter. He then indicated <br />that Mr. Michaels was a dare officer and when the kids found out he was leaving the <br />program they were crying because he had made such an impression on them through the <br />dare program. He further indicated that Mr. Michaels is now an Anoka City Police <br />Officer and is the nicest guy to get along with. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wilharber indicated that Mr. March had applied for a permit to build an <br />addition and was told his shed was too close to the house. <br /> <br />Council Liaison Broussard Vickers indicated that, if the shed was not newly <br />reconstructed it would be grandfathered in. She then asked if there would have been a <br />site plan provided when the building permit fur the addition was requested. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wilharber indicated the new zoning permit fee proposed by Mr. Pa!zer <br />would help with these types of issues. <br /> <br />Motion bv CommillSioner Wilharber., seconded bv Commissioner McLean to <br />recommend to COli/licil IIn extension to July 1. 2002 to move the shed. Ail in favor. <br />Motion canned unanimously. <br /> <br />Council Liaison Broussard Vickers commented that the City should not have given a <br />permit that would allow something to become nonconforming. <br /> <br />Mr. March indicated he would take the extension to move the shed but said his real <br />interest is seeing if the Commission has any desire to change the Ordinance. He then <br />explained that when he received the notice on his shed that has been in the same location <br />since j 995 he spoke to the building official in the community that he works in and was <br />told that if a one hour fire wall was installed the structure could be located one foot from <br />the principal structure. <br /> <br />i\iir. March indicated that he wants to side his shed so it matches the house. He indicated <br />that the shed has significant landscaping around it and suggested he would upgrade his <br />shed to be allowed to have it closer to the house than currently allowed. He also <br />indicated that there are a number of sheds in the community that are in a similar situation <br />but stated some may not be able to be upgraded to meet the fire code requirements. <br /> <br />Chairperson Hanson indicated that the COl.llIPission had just discussed allowing another <br />resident to keep his shed in its current location through a conditional use permit which <br />would involve the use of a fire wall. <br /> <br />Page 70f9 <br />