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<br />. <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />COUNTY OF ANORA <br />CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br /> <br />ORDINANCE #72 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING BY-LAWS/RULES FOR THE <br />ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURES OF ALL CITY COMMITTEE AND <br />COMMISSIONS (This Ordinance Repeals Ordinance #37 (Establishing a Planning <br />and Zoning Commission for the City of Centerville) & Ordinance #58 (Establishing <br />an Economic Developmcnt Committec for the City of Ccnterville for the Purpose nf <br />Promoting Economic Development in the City of Centerville) <br /> <br />For the purpose of this document the telm Commission and Committee will be used <br />interchangeably. Policy will refer to Commissioners and COlnmittee Members alike. <br /> <br />The Council of the City of CenterviJle ordains: <br /> <br />This Urdinance establishes a City Planning and Zoning Commission, Economic <br />DeveloJ"'nent Committee lor the ]"""qJose of pronwting Economic Development and a <br />Parks and Recreation Commi.1lee. The purpose of these committees is advisory and may <br />make recommend<l,iol1S to the City Council for eonsidera' :on rcgardlllg matters relating <br />to this committee. <br /> <br />SECTION 1. AUTHORITY <br /> <br />The Con1t'1ittee has tl,C authority to conduct invcstigations and to make <br />reco'11mcnclalions, however may not make decisions on behalf of the Council. <br />Committees are subject to the Sl'lle rules as the City CouDcil under the open meeting <br />laws. Thc Council's final decision, however, and not the Cc,"mil1(;e's reeomme::dation, <br />binds the City. The Committee may not enter into a contract, employ workers, or <br />authorize expcndi Lures. <br /> <br />SECTiON 2. ELIGIBILITY <br /> <br />Any resident of the City of Centerville is eligible to apply as a Committee member. This <br />individual is welcome to serve on one (1) Committee at a time. Additionally, the <br />Economic Development Comn:ittee (EDC) make recommend to Council the appointment <br />of business owners or principals to the commi:tee who are not residents but own <br />businesses within the City. <br /> <br />SECTION 3. APPOINTMENTS <br /> <br />Each member of the Committee wil! be appointed by the City Council via a letter of <br />interest submitted to the City Administrator. This letter will be received by the City <br />Administrator no later than November 1 of each year. This same action will take ]Jlacc if <br />