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<br />Motion by Linda Broussard Vickers to approve the Special Use Permit as requested for <br />the property located at the southea~t corner of Peterson Trail and Main Street <br />Contingent upon the plans meeting all governmental agenGy's and staff approval <br />Seconded by AI T ,aMotte All in favor <br /> <br />DISClTSSION ITEMS <br /> <br />Discharge of Firearms <br />Motion by Kathy Welk to recommend the Council appoint a n:presentative to work with <br />the Circle PineslLexington police to develop a uniform ordinance Seconded by John <br />Buckhee Brian Hanson John Buckbee and Kathy Welk - aye Linda Broussard Vickers <br />and AI LaMotte - abstained <br /> <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINlTTES <br /> <br />Motion hy T ,inda Broussard Vickers to approve the November Planning and Zoning <br />Meeting Minutes with noted changes Seconded by Kathy Welk John Buckhee and AI <br />LaMotte abstained <br /> <br />Motion by T ,inda Broussard Vickers to approve the Decemher Planning and Zoning <br />Meeting Minutes as amended Seconded by Kathy Welk John Buckhee and Brian <br />Hanson - yea Al LaMotte ahstained <br /> <br />Mayor Tom Wilharber welcomed Brian Hanson and invited the Planning Commission to a <br />reception for the new Police Chief. Mayor Wtlharber added, that a new Council Liaison <br />will be appointed to cover the Planning Commission meetings, Mayor Wilharber ended by <br />thanking the Commission for their time and dedication to the City, <br /> <br />Motion by Mr Buckbee, seconded by Chair Welk to adjourn Motion carried <br />unanimously <br /> <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br /> <br />Ry-Chel Gaustad, CMC <br />City Clerk <br /> <br />5 <br />