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<br />1 rpdate on City Parks <br />Mr. March mentioned three more truck loads of ag-lime have been delivered and placed <br />on the infields. Jim also stated he received a letter from Pat Mahr of the Chain of Lakes <br />Little League. Mr. Mahr is requesting to purchase equipment for the City to use on the <br />tractor for grooming the ball fields. Mr. Mahr would like the fields to be groomed <br />Monday through Thursday from June until sometime in the faIl. The Chain of Lakes Little <br />League would reimburse the City $500.00 for the grooming. <br /> <br />Mr. Navin questioned ifpublic works could handle the additional workload. <br /> <br />Mr. March felt with the new tractor it wouldn't be a problem. He estimated that public <br />works would be able to groom six baIl fields in one hour - except for unforeseen <br />emergencies. <br /> <br />Mr. Navin questioned the land surrounding public works - specificaIly if residents could <br />use this property for athletic practice purposes. It was determined that this area would <br />probably not be a suitable place for practice - due to traffic. <br /> <br />Mr. Terry Sweeney brought up the quality of our parks - the weeds overrun the parks <br />every year. He requested the City take bids on upkeeping the parks - specifically for <br />fertilizing. <br /> <br />Mr. Navin added that the City should be setting an example by using fertilizer that is <br />environmentally safe, and not over fertilize. <br /> <br />Mr. March mentioned the neighborhood of Acorn Creek is making a vision of how they <br />would like to see Acorn Creek Park. The residents would like to see the park be full of all <br />the extras - i.e.: playground equipment, picnic tables, BBQ pits and they want it handicap <br />accessible. Jim stated they will be presenting a plan to the Park and Recreation <br />Committee when it is complete. <br /> <br />St Paul Water Utility Surplus Property <br />Mr. March explained earlier at the Park/Trails and Lakes meeting that the St. Paul Water <br />Utilities is looking to sell a piece of property located across the street from LaMotte Park. <br />Half of the property is in Centerville and half of the property is in Lino Lakes. Mr. March <br />already spoke with Lino Lakes and they are very receptive to the idea of a joint purchase <br />with Centerville. The idea is to make this property into a park with a fishing pier on the <br />lake. The fact that it is located directly across the street from LaMotte Park would mean <br />parking would not be an issue, and the fishing pier would be an added amenity to the park. <br /> <br />Motion by Doug Porter to strongly recommend to City Council to pursue purchasing the <br />St Pall] Water Utilities property for a future park Seconded by Don Bahneman All in <br />favor Motion carried <br /> <br />3 <br />