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Ms. Broussard Vickers mentioned the Planning and Zoning commission's requirement to grant a <br /> variance and the situation is not unique. Therefore, she did not recommend granting the variance. <br /> Motion by Broussard Vickers, seconded by Mr. Buckbee to deny the variance request based on <br /> the ordinance requirements outlined in Section 65.03 -1. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> B. Action on Variance Request - Vesel <br /> Ms. Gaustad distributed pictures of the proposed structure. <br /> Motion by Ms. Broussard Vickers, seconded by Mr. Buckbee to recommend to the Council to <br /> deny the variance request based on the fact that it does not conform to the requirements of the <br /> ordinance and violates Ordinance #4, building material as well as the building is within the right - <br /> of -way. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> C. Action on Variance Request - Wolf <br /> Ms. Broussard Vickers explained that there are too many issues to discuss; side yard, rear yard, <br /> size of building, etc. In short, Ms. Broussard suggested waiting until the ordinance is in place. <br /> Motion by Broussard Vickers, seconded by Mr. Buckbee to table this request until the May <br /> meeting - due to new ordinance consideration. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> D. Rezone Request - Rehbein (Property East of Willow Glen) <br /> Ms. Gaustad distributed a letter that the City received that is in favor of the rezone request. Chair <br /> Welk noted receipt of the letter. Ms. Broussard Vickers inquired about the comparisons in tax <br /> base between commercial or residential. Mr. Rehbein stated that the residential zoning will <br /> benefit the tax base more than commercial. The Commercial tax will not go into effect until after <br /> the buildings are constructed and taxed. <br /> Ms. Broussard Vickers questioned if the Met Council will have concerns with a rezone change. <br /> Mr. March felt that Met Council may have more concerns with providing utilities than the rezone. <br /> Ms, Jenny Gilmore (2031 Willow Glen) would rather see residential zoning than commercial. <br /> Councilmember Ms. Mari Nelson said that she would rather have the property zoned commercial <br /> instead of residential. <br /> Chair Welk questioned the traffic circulation and potential traffic congestion concerns. <br /> A gentleman from (2005 Willow Glen) will increase his property value and strongly urged the <br /> Commission to consider authorizing residential zoning. <br /> 4 <br />