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Mr. Brett Baily (2037 Willow Circle) said he would rather see the rezone approved than leave it <br /> commercial. <br /> Motion by Mr. Buckbee, seconded by LaMotte to table the rezone contingent upon Mr. Rehbein <br /> signing a 45 day waiver and that Staff report the tax difference between commercial and <br /> residential. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> DISCUSSION ITEMS <br /> A. Subdivision Sketch Plan - Mr. Gerald Rehbein <br /> The Commission discussed the 15 parcel subdivision sketch for R5 homes. The Commission <br /> acknowledged that the cul -de -sac should be placed at the end of the road, 5 variances for lot size <br /> and lot width. Mr. Rehbein commented that a sound drainage plan would require the row of trees <br /> to be removed. Ms. Broussard Vickers recalled the City granted variances for the Lessard <br /> development and may be permissible with the peculiar wetland issues. <br /> Mr. Wayne LaBlanc (1677 Peltier Lake) would prefer Mr. Rehbein attempt to meet with the R5 <br /> requirements. <br /> The Commission discussed in great length PUD (Planned Unit Development) and its <br /> requirements. The Commission requested staff seek legal guidance as to whether or not a <br /> variance takes precedence over a PUD. <br /> Motion by Ms. Broussard Vickers, seconded Mr. Buckbee to direct staff to contact the attorney <br /> and receive input in regards to whether a variance or a PUD, and to work with the developer on <br /> the best way to address the wetland issues. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 13. Consider audio /video taping meeting <br /> Ms. Gaustad reported the Council requested the Commission consider audio or video <br /> taping meetings for reference purposes. <br /> Motion by Broussard Vickers, seconded by Mr. Buckbee to approve that the Commission <br /> meetings be audio taped. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> C. Land Use Planning Workshop <br /> Ms. Broussard Vickers and Mr. Brian Hanson noted interest in attending the workshop. <br /> D. Review Proposed Ordinances: <br /> 151. Flood Damage Prevention <br /> 152. Mobile Home Parks <br /> 5 <br />