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73CTION IX. Muzzling. Whenever the prevalence of rabies renders <br /> such action necessary to protect the public health and safety, the <br /> Mayor shall issue a proclamation ordering every person owning or <br /> keening a dog to confine it securely on his premises unless it is <br /> muzzled so that it cannot bite. No person shall violate such <br /> proclamation, and any dog running at large during the time fixed <br /> in the proclamation may be destroyed by the nolice without notice <br /> to the owner. <br /> SECTION X. Vicious Animals. Whenever the Chief of Police or City <br /> Health Officer determines that any dog, cat or other animal has <br /> bitten any person, such animal shall be deemed to be vicious for the <br /> purpose of this section. Such animal may be impounded in the City <br /> pound for a period of ten days or more at the expense of the owner <br /> of said animal. Except for the time limit, disposition and redemp- <br /> tion shall be in accordance with paragraphs B and D of Section VII. <br /> The quarantine required by this section shall not be necessary and <br /> the requirements shall be waived whenever the owner of such dog or <br /> animal, immediately upon receipt of the notice referred to above <br /> presents to the Centerville Police the certificate of an authorized <br /> veterinarian that the dog or animal was vaccinated for rabies on a <br /> date less than one year prior to the date of such notice. <br /> SECTION XI. Summary Destruction of Certain Dogs. Whenever an <br /> officer has reasonable cause to believe that a particular dog <br /> presents a clear and immediate danger to residents of the City <br /> becau =e it is infected with rabies or because of a clearly demon- <br /> strated vicious nature, the officer after making reasonable attempts <br /> to impound such dog, may summarily destroy said dog. <br /> SECTION XII. Kennels. No person shall keep more than two dogs over <br /> six .months old without obtaining a kennel license. The kennel <br /> license is required in addition to the individual dog licenses. <br /> The City Council shall issue a kennel license upon the following <br /> conditions which shall be agreed to by the licensee: <br /> 1. Payment of an annual kennel license fee in the amount <br /> of 525.00. Kennel licenses shall expire on December 31 <br /> of each year and must be renewed. <br /> 2. Kennels and the premises used therefore shall be kept in <br /> a clean, quiet, orderly and sanitary condition, so as <br /> not to constitute a nuisance as defined in Minnesota <br /> Statute 561.01. In determining whether a nuisance <br /> exists, consideration shall be given to the kennel's <br /> location, location of other residents and the general <br /> character of the neighborhood. <br /> 3. All such dogs in excess of two shall be at all times <br /> confined in a building or enclosure or under control <br /> by a leash or otherwise under control. <br /> L. Compliance with provisions of the City Zoning Code. <br />