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1 <br /> t' \ ORDINANCE NO. 61 0 P, which amount shall be added to The tag shall be worn by the cat a. <br /> TA ' CTTIY OF CIRCLE P and collected with the regular all times. <br /> ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA license fee. Any owner who se- C. No person shall make, sell, rj cati on # 3 O B <br /> AN ORDINANCE REGULA- cures a cat after the start of the purchase, or shall place or allow to <br /> TING CATS; PROVIDING FOR license period shall be allowed be placed on his cat any tag of the )a 1i ty C \ (`c I e ?! Cb Q s <br /> THE LICENSING AND IM- thirty (30) days after acquiring same form, shape or intended to (� / <br /> POUNDING OF CATS; AND such cat to secure a license and be like the official tag, or shall ry r' 6 <br /> ) � U <br /> PRESCRIBING PENALTIES shall file, upon making application, attempt in any way to counterfeit <br /> FOR TEE'VIOLATiON THERE- an affidavit identifying the cat and the design adopted for such official <br /> OF 99ttbb stating the date of its acquisition. cat tag. <br /> The ty Connell-of/the City of D. Any owner upon first D. Except as otherwise pro - <br /> Circle Pines ordains: . becoming a resident of the City of vided in this ordinance, cat tags <br /> Section 1. The following deli- Circle Pines shall be allowed thirty shall not be transferable. No <br /> nitions shall apply in the interpre- (30) days from such time to obtain refund shall be made on any cat <br /> tation of this ordinance, and the a cat license. Any cat which may license fee to anyone who ceases to <br /> following words and terms be impounded for lack of a license be a resident of the City, or to <br /> wherever they occur in this chap - within the thirty (30) day period anyone whose cat dies before the <br /> ter are defined as follows: provided for in this section 2D may expiration of the license. <br /> A. Owner: Any person, group be reclaimed by the owner without Section 4: Abandonment and <br /> of persons or corporation owning, paying the impounding fee, but Stray Cats. <br /> keeping, or harboring a cat or such owner shall be responsible for It shall be a violation of this <br /> cats. The harborer of a cat is any paying the cost of keeping such cat ordinance for any person to aban- <br /> person who has custody of any cat during its impounding. Any cat don any cat or permit any cat to <br /> or permits the same to be kept or owner having a valid cat license become a stray. For the purposes <br /> to stay on or about his premises. from another municipality may, of this ordinance. an abandoned <br /> B. Police Officers or Police: within thirty (30) days after be- cat is one which is left unattended <br /> The police officers of the City of coming a City of Circle Pines off the premises of its owner for a • <br /> Circle Pines and/or any firm, resident, secure a City of Circle period of 72 hours or more. For the <br /> agency or company hired by the Pines cat license for which the purposes of this ordinance, a stray <br /> City of Circle Pines to assist the owner shall pay a fee of $2.00 upon cat is one having no known owner <br /> police in the performance of their surrender of the license from the or custodian or known place of <br /> duties with regard to enforcement previous licensing municipality. care and shelter. <br /> of this ordinance. An affidavit identifying the cat Section 5: Confinement of <br /> C. Pound: The animal shelter and stating the date of establish- Certain Cats. <br /> of the City of Circle Pines. ment of residence of the owner in A. The owner of a cat shall <br /> Section 2: Licensing. I the City shall be filed with the confine within a building or secure <br /> A. Except as provided in ' application.. enclosure every fierce, dangerous <br /> Section 13, no owner of a cat shall E. In the event that the or vicious cat and not permit such <br /> owh, keep, or harbor any cat license tag issued for a cat shall be cat out of such enclosure unless <br /> within the City limits unless such lost or stolen, the owner shall, such cat is in the direct control of a <br /> cat is licensed as herein provided. upon payment of $1.00, obtain a competent person. <br /> Written application for such 11- duplicate tag by surrendering the B. Every female cat in heat <br /> sense shall be made at the City receipt issued for the lost or stolen shall be confined in such a manner <br /> "'Jerk's office and shall state the tag. that such female cat cannot come <br /> ame and address of the owner F. If there is a change of in contact with another cat except <br /> and the name, breed, color, age ownership of the cat during the for planned breeding. <br /> :nd sex of the cat. The license fee year, the new owner may have a Section 6: Keeping of Nui- <br /> shall be paid at the time of making current license changed to his sance Cats Prohibited. <br /> :e application. The license fee name upon the payment of a The owner or custodian of any <br /> caall be as provided in Circle Pines transfer fee of $1.00, or may cat shall prevent the cat from <br /> Ordinance No. 99. any amend- secure a new license. committing in the City any act <br /> ments thereto, or any other ordi- G. The design of the license which constitutes a nuisance. It is <br /> nance of the City of Circle Pines tag issued under this ordinance a nuisance for any cat to habitually <br /> establishing licensing fees. The shall be changed each license or frequently howl, cry, or loudly <br /> g g <br /> d p i i shall and execute a receipt e period. mew at night, to frequent school <br /> d.:niicate and shall deliver the H..No license shall be granted grounds, parks, or public beaches, <br /> original receipt to the applicant. for a cat which has not been to molest or annoy any person <br /> B. No license shall be required vaccinated against rabies during away from the property of its <br /> for newborn cats up to the age of the twenty -four (24) month period owner or custodian, or to damage, <br /> six i6) months. immediately preceding the appli- defile, or destroy public or private <br /> C. All cat licenses shall be cation. Each applicant for a cat property. plantings, or structures. <br /> hued for two years beginning license shall present a certificate Failure of the owner of a cat to <br /> with the 1st day of January of each , of vaccination from a doctor quali- prevent the cat from committing <br /> even numbered year. Cat licenses fled to practice veterinary medi- such a nuisance is a violation of <br /> issued after the effective date of eine in the state in which the cat is this ordinance. <br /> this ordinance, but before Decem- vaccinated. Section 7: Pound. <br /> ber 1, 1987, shall expire on Section 3: License Tag. The City Council of Circle <br /> December 31, 1987. Application A. Each applicant for a license Pines may designate as the animal <br /> for licenses may be made thirty shall, upon complying with the shelter of the City a suitable <br /> 30; days prior to the start of the provisions of this ordinance, be kennel or other animal facility, <br /> i icensing period and thereafter issued a tag stamped with a either within or without the City <br /> during the licensing period. Appli- number and the years for which limits. <br /> nt:ons made after March 31 of the the license is issued. Section 8: Police Assistants. )✓ <br /> first licensing year shall be asses- B. Every owner is required to The City Council may desig- v � , p J( J <br /> ,ed a penalty of $.50 for each keep a valid tag securely fastened nate such persons as it may deem <br /> month or portion thereof after to the cat in a way that will not necessary to aid and assist the <br /> - ..,soh 11 tka onntieatinn is ,nnde endanger the cat's life or health. police in the performance of their <br />