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duties with regard to enforcement equal to the cost to the City of <br /> ' this ordinance. All police. or keeping such cat in the City animal <br /> police officers, as defined in this shelter. If the cat so reclaimed <br /> ordinance, shall be deemed to requires a license under the pro- <br /> have, in addition to the power to visions of this ordinance, the <br /> impound cats, all police powers license shall be obtained before the <br /> necessary to enforce this ordi- cat is released. <br /> nanee and to cite owners of cats for Section l2: Cruelty to Cats. <br /> violations of this ordinance. The police may take posses - <br /> Section 9: Impounding Cats. sion of any cat which is being kept <br /> A. The police, as defined in in a cruel or inhumane manner, or <br /> this ordinance, may take up and when it is necessary to impound <br /> impound any cat found not to be such cat as herein provided by this <br /> kept, confined or licensed in the ordinance. <br /> manner required by this ordi- Section 13: Exemptions. <br /> nanee. Hospitals, clinics or other <br /> B. Any owner shall produce premises operated by licensed <br /> for the inspection of the police his veterinarians exclusively for the <br /> cat's tag and /or a receipt indica- care and treatment of animals are <br /> Ling payment of the license fee exempt from the provisions of this <br /> when requested by such official. ordinance except where such <br /> C. No person shall interfere duties are expressly stated. <br /> with, hinder or molest the police Section 19: Site Cases. <br /> or any of their assistants in the It shall be the duty of every <br /> performance of their duties here- physician or any other person to <br /> under, or attempt to release any report to the police the names and <br /> animal from the City animal shel- addresses of persons treated for <br /> ter except as herein provided. bites inflicted by animals within <br /> D. Any cat impounded under the City of Circle Pines, together <br /> this ordinance shall be confined in with such other information as will <br /> the City animal shelter in a be helpful in rabies control. <br /> humane manner for a period of not Section 15: Protection for <br /> less than five (5) regular business Cats. <br /> days of the impounding agency. as It shall be unlawful for anyone <br /> defined by state law, if not claimed to place upon .. the ground, or in any <br /> prior thereto by its owner. There- other manner, any poison, bait, <br /> after said cat shall become the ground glass or any other device <br /> property of the City and may be or thing intended to harm a cat. <br /> disposed of in a humane manner or Section 16: Penalties. <br /> may be sold to or placed in the Any person who shall violate <br /> custody of some other suitable any of the terms and provisions of <br /> person. If a cat is destroyed this ordinance shall be guilty of a <br /> pursuant to this ordinance, the misdemeanor and, upon convic- <br /> license of such cat shall expire. tion, shall be punished by a fine of <br /> E. Immediately upon the im- not more than 5700.00 or by <br /> pounding of a cat wearing a imprisonment for not to exceed <br /> current license tag, the police shall ninety (90) days, or both. Each <br /> make every reasonable effort to occurrence of unlawful activity <br /> notify the owner of such im- shall be a separate violation of this <br /> poundment and of the conditions ordinance. <br /> whereby the owner may regain Section 17: Validity. <br /> custody of the cat. Any verbal The invalidity of any part of <br /> notices shall immediately be con- this ordinance as declared by a <br /> firmed in writing by the police. court of competent jurisdiction <br /> Section 10: Cats Which Can- shall not affect the validity of the <br /> not Be Impounded. remainder thereof. <br /> If a cat subject to impound - Section 18: Effective Date. <br /> ment pursuant to this ordinance is This ordinance shall take <br /> diseased, vicious, dangerous, effect and be in force from and <br /> rabid or exposed to rabies, and after its passage and publication as <br /> such cat cannot be impounded provided by law. <br /> after a reasonable effort, or cannot Passed by the City Council <br /> be impounded without serious risk this 22nd day of April, 1986. <br /> to the persons attempting to APPROVED: <br /> impound, such cat may be imme- By /s/ Marshall W. Dahl <br /> diately killed. Mayor <br /> Section 11: Redemption of ATTEST: <br /> Impounded Cats. /s/ James W. Keinath <br /> Any cat impounded here- Administrator <br /> under not being held for suspected First Reading April 8th, 1986 <br /> disease may be reclaimed by the Second Reading April 22nd, 1986 <br /> owner within five (5) regular Published in the Circulating Pines <br /> business days of the impounding this 19th day of June. 1986. <br /> agency, as defined by state law. <br /> upon payment by the owner to the <br /> City Clerk of an impounding fee of <br /> $25.00, plus an additional sum <br />