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MAY -06 -99 05:14 AM P.12 <br /> ten (10) days, excluding holidays, the dog shall be destroyed <br /> • at the owner's expense. <br /> 14. The City Council shall, by council resolution <br /> set fourth certain requirements to be met by the owners of dangerous <br /> animals shall have fourteen (14) days, to comply with the order <br /> of the City Council. If the owner of the dangerous animal fails to <br /> comply with the Council's order within fourteen (14) days, the <br /> animal control authority and/or law enforcement may seize such <br /> dangerous animal and cause the same to be housed at the appropriate <br /> animal shelter facility at the owner's expense. All seized animals <br /> shall be housed at the animal control facility /shelter for a minimum <br /> period of ten (10) days, excluding holidays. If the owner of such <br /> dangerous animal fails to comply with the Council's order within <br /> ten (10) days, excluding holidays, the animal shall be destroyed at <br /> the owner's expense. <br /> I. Any animal that has bitten a person and inflicts <br /> injury to a human being, or commits any act outlined under <br /> Definitions, Subd. 3 (U) Potentially Dangerous Animal, of this <br /> Section, may be classified as a potentially dangerous animal. The <br /> procedures set fourth under Subd. 1O (A) through (H) of this section <br /> shall apply to classification and hearing process of potentially <br /> dangerous animals. <br /> Subd. 11, Rabies Control. <br /> A. The Minnesota Health Laws and Regulations <br /> are hereby adopted in cases of rabid animals which have bitten <br /> any person or animals suspected of being rabid. <br /> B. It shall be the duty of every physician to repott <br /> to the Rabies Control Authority the names and addresses of any <br /> person treated for bites inflicted by animals within the City. <br /> C. It shall be the duty of the owner of any animal <br /> to immediately, but in all cases no later than within a twenty -four <br /> (24) hour period, to report to the Rabies Control Authority or the <br /> Police Department all bites inflicted by the owner's animal to any <br /> person. The owner of any such animal shall also be required to <br /> -129h- <br /> Amended Station 10.10 Ord. 97 -02 11-6-97 <br /> Publication: Quad 11 -18-97 <br />