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MAY -06 -99 05:14 AM P.11 <br /> certified letter by the Chief of Police to file an appeal with the Chief <br /> Police contesting the classificaticn of the animal as dangerous. Such <br /> appeal shall be placed in writing on a form made available to the <br /> owner by the City. <br /> B. If the owner of an animal elects to appeal the <br /> dangerous animal classification, the appeal shall be referred to the <br /> City Council for an appropriate hearing. The City Clerk shall notify <br /> the owner of such animal as to the time and date of the hearing. <br /> At least fourteen (14) days notice shall be given to the owner. <br /> C. The owner shall be informed of his/her right <br /> by the City Clerk to be represented by legal council during such <br /> hearing, as well as the right to provide oral and written testimony <br /> as to why the City Council should not declare the animal dangerous. <br /> D. During the hearing, the council shall maintain <br /> an electronic record of such hearing. <br /> E. If the City Council declares the animal to be <br /> dangerous, the City Clerk shall notify the owner of' the animal <br /> by certified mall, return receipt required, that the animal has <br /> been declared dangerous. <br /> F. The owner of any dog that has been declared <br /> dangerous shall then have fourteen (14) days to comply with <br /> the provisions of the Minnesota's Dangerous Dog Statute, <br /> Minnesota Statute, Section 347.50, from the time of the <br /> mailing of the certified letter, and shall report the dangerous <br /> dog to the county. <br /> G. If the owner of a dog that has been declared <br /> dangerous fails to comply with the fourteen (14) day reporting <br /> requirements, the animal control authority or an officer of a <br /> proper law enforcement agency may seize such dog and cause <br /> such dog to be housed at the appropriate animal shelter facility <br /> at the owner's expense. All seized dogs shall be housed at the <br /> animal shelter facility for a minimum period of ten (10) days, <br /> excluding holidays. If the owner of the dog fails to comply with <br /> the reporting requirements of the dangerous dog statue within <br /> •129g- <br /> Amended Section 1 .0.10 Ord. 97-02 11+97 <br /> Publication: Quad 11.18 -97 <br />