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MEMO <br /> DATE : May 19, 1999 <br /> TO : Honorable Mayor and Council <br /> FROM : Jim March <br /> RE : Lake Area Utility Building Purchase Agreement <br /> Included in your packet is a copy of the executive summary and recommendations from the phase <br /> one environmental site assessment that was completed for the Lake Area Utility property. <br /> Included in the executive summary section are two important recommendations that the Council <br /> needs to discuss. One of the recommendations involves taking soil samples of the drainfield area. <br /> I have a meeting scheduled with Willie Lessard to discuss some final issues to the purchase <br /> agreement on Thursday afternoon on May 20th. I will be asking Mr. Lessard to produce any <br /> written documentation of on -site clean up activities that had occured in the past. <br /> Also included in your packet is a written quote from Ro -So Contracting delineating the costs to <br /> hook up water and sewer to the building. The quote is much higher than anticipated. <br /> Supposedly, there may be a problem with the interior drainage in the building. Paul Palzer had <br /> mentioned that the floor drains did not function in the two warehouse portions of the building. I <br /> will be asking Mr. Lessard to discuss the drainage issues relating to the floordrains in the building. <br /> A complete copy of the Phase I environmental site assessment is available at City Hall. The <br /> document is over 50 pages in length. Due to the document length, it was not copied in its entirety <br /> for inclusion in the Council packets. <br />