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• <br /> elevation such thee the lowest floor, including basement, <br /> is less than the jeegulatory Flood Protection Elevation and <br /> shall not be loceeed in a designated floodway as defined by <br /> • Chapter 14 (Floor Plain Management Ordinance). <br /> 2) Where a Regul:::t.ory Flood Protection Elevation has not <br /> been established, a •:o structure, except boathouses, shall be <br /> placed at an .^z?.evation such that the lowest floor, <br /> including basement, is less than three (3) feet above the <br /> highest known water level. In those instances where <br /> sufficient data en known high water levels are not <br /> available, the o d.nary high water level shall be used. <br /> d) Exceptions to S eecture Setback Requirements <br /> 1) Setback requirements from the ordinary high water mark <br /> shall not apply .4.,., boathouses, piers and docks. Location <br /> of piers and docee shall be controlled by applicable state <br /> and local regulations. <br /> 2) On undeveloped shoreland lots that have two (2) <br /> adjacent lots wfth existing principal structures on both <br /> such adjacent lee e, any new residential structure may be <br /> set back tha s ,• rage setback of the adjacent structures <br /> from the ordinary high water mark or fifty (50) feet, <br /> whichever is greee:i>_r, provided all ether provisions of the <br /> shoreland overlay district are complied with. <br /> 1340.04 Shoreland Altere ons. <br /> Subd. 1 Removal of N;r:t :oral Vegetation. The removal of natural <br /> vegetation shall be e.,etricted to prevent erosion into protected <br /> waters, to consume eee rients in the soil, and to preserve <br /> shoreland aesthetics. Removal of natural vegetation in the <br /> shoreland overlay die1 /4:ict shall be subject to the following <br /> provisions: <br /> 1. Selective remoal of natural vegetation shall be allowed, <br /> provided that suffcient vegetative cover remains to screen <br /> cars, dwellings a. other structures when viewed from the <br /> water. <br /> 2. Clear - cutting natural vegetation shall be prohibited. <br /> 3. Natural vegeta•:. :cn shall be restored insofar as feasible <br /> after any construe - titre project is completed in order to retard <br /> surface runoff and -oil erosion. <br /> 4. The provisione cf this Section shall not apply to <br /> permitted uses ; ,,.;,.h normally require the removal of natural <br /> vegetation. <br /> 13 - 62 <br />