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12'03/97 09:29 1T/ Or L1rCLt rINtS - bid 427S23' Fla LOW <br /> Subd. 2 Grading and illinq. Grading and filling in shoreland <br /> areas of any alteration cf the natural topography where the slope <br /> of the land is toward a protected water or a watercourse leading <br /> to a protected water ekstt be authorized by a conditional use <br /> permit applied for and granted in accordance with Subsection <br /> 1310.04. The permit elee be granted subject to the conditions <br /> that: <br /> 1. The smallest ameeht of bare ground is exposed for as short <br /> a time as feasible; <br /> 2. Temporary grcu: "! cover, such as mulch, is used and <br /> permanent ground cover, such as sod, is established; <br /> 3. Methods to preve=nt erosion and trap sediment are employed; <br /> and <br /> 4. Fill is stabilized to accepted engineering standards. <br /> Subd. 3 Excavation... Excavations on shorelands where the <br /> intended purpose is connection to a protected water shall require <br /> a permit from the City before construction is begun. Such permit <br /> e_ may be obtained only after the Commissioner of Natural Resources <br /> has issued a permit te 'work . in the beds of protected waters. <br /> Subd. 4 Course of Wtsr Alteration. Any work which will change <br /> or diminish the course, current or cross - section of a protected <br /> water or wetland shall ee approved by the Commissioner of Natural <br /> Resources, and such ::approval shall be construed to mean the <br /> issuance by the Commie ionsr of Natural Resources of a permit <br /> under the procedures ,,t Minn. Stat. S 105.42 and other related <br /> statutes. <br /> 1340.05 Subdivisions. <br /> Subd. 1 Prohibited eubdivision. No land shall be subdivided <br /> which is held unsuita_-'3.e by the City for the proposed use because <br /> of flooding, inadequeee drainage, soil and rock formations with <br /> severe limitations iee development, severe erosion potential, <br /> unfavorable topography, inadequate water supply or sewage <br /> treatment capabilities, or any other feature likely to be harmful <br /> to the health, safety or welfare of future residents of the <br /> proposed subdivision :,_ of the community. <br /> Subd. 2 Plats Submrieted. Copies of all plats within the <br /> shoreland overlay dissce.'.ct shall be submitted to the Commissioner <br /> of Natural Resources within ten (10) days of final approval by <br /> the City. <br /> 13 - 63 <br />