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Chair Welk questioned the engineering staff in regards to the future expansion along the east side <br /> of the property. Mr. Bergum noted the proposed parking lot allows for extra water storage. Mr. <br /> March reported a pond is to be constructed north of the site. Mr. Nyberg commented the pond <br /> plans are being prepared, however, Mr. Rehbein will propose a comprehensive drainage plan for <br /> the 40 -acre industrial property. Mr. Buckbee questioned the engineers if the 40 -acre grading plan <br /> concept is conducive to Terminal Transports grading plans. Mr. Snyder replied Rice Creek <br /> Watershed District (RCWD) approved Terminal Transports grading plans. <br /> Ms. Brossard- Vickers confirmed with Staff the sup is compatible with contiguous properties, and <br /> that 20th Avenue is able to handle the increased semi truck traffic. In the like manner, Ms. <br /> Brossard- Vickers inquired about Anoka County's comments in regard to 20th Avenue access. <br /> Mr. March stated 20th Avenue is maintained by Anoka County. Also, Anoka County requested <br /> entrances accessing onto 20th Avenue are not within 200' of the intersection of 20th Avenue and <br /> Cedar Street. The proposed entrance complies with Anoka County Highway Departments <br /> requirements. <br /> Mr. March reiterated the sup addresses the fact that no utilities are at the property and no <br /> operation will be permitted until utilities are available to the property. <br /> Mr. Nadeau hoped the City will restrict noise from the trucks and maintenance shop. Mr. March <br /> explained the City has a noise ordinance. <br /> Ms. Brossard - Vickers moved to grant the sup contingent upon the dr.'n, • e concerns be <br /> addressed and no • . -r, ions take 'L. _ - at the site .ntil utilities ar- , Al • that ther- i <br /> no access from this building. to Cedar Street in the future, and the Commission approves the site <br /> plan as submitted contingent upon the CitEngineer's approval Mr Buckbee seconded the <br /> motion. Motion carried unanimously_.. <br /> Dick Travis - Sketch Plan for Moore Properties (7305 &7353 20th Avenue North} <br /> Mr. Dick Travis (7264 Twin Lakes) briefed the Commission on a proposed sketch plan with six <br /> lots, and one 10 -acre outlot, on a 20 -acre parcel and he requested the Commissions consideration <br /> for sketch plan approval. Mr. Travis planned to independently finance the utility improvements. <br /> Incidentally, a trail easement is proposed to access the park and additional park fees will be in lieu <br /> of park land. <br /> Mr. March reported due to an abandoned house east of the proposed development, the sketch <br /> plan is not in compliance with city ordinances. The ordinance states a septic system is allowed on <br /> a minimal 10 -acre parcel. The proposed development will cause too many structures on the south <br /> 20 -acre parcel. Mr. Travis replied the existing house will either be demolished or relocated. <br /> Chair Welk confirmed the property is within the MUSA. Mr. March said it is unlikely the utility <br /> line will serve the east property because of the wetlands. Mr. Nyberg explained that a shallow, <br /> 10" line is located south east on 20th Avenue. Moreover, the utility connections will have to be <br /> 5 <br />