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• <br /> further investigated. <br /> Chair Welk confirmed the proposed lots conform with the R5 zoning, 17,000 square feet <br /> requirements. Ms. Brossard - Vickers suggested the Travis family return with a more defined plan <br /> and the further suggested they request to rezone the property from RI to R5. Mr. March noted <br /> the City will work with the Travis family to develop the developer's agreement, streets, curb, <br /> gutters and utility plans and specifications. <br /> Mr. Buckbee moved to recommend to the Council the property be developed as an R5 zoning <br /> district Ms Brossard - Vickers seconded the motion Motion carried unanimousl1 . <br /> Husnik Homes - Sketch Plan for Property North of Main Street <br /> Mr. Paul Husnik (2640 Westergreen, White Bear Lake) presented a sketch plan for the property <br /> on the north east corner of Main Street and Peterson Trail. ' The proposed building will consist of <br /> a couple retail units with rear delivery truck access. Mr. Husnik hoped the building will be <br /> constructed and ready for occupancy fall of 1998, <br /> Ms, Broussard - Vickers confirmed the first of two driveways is located 90' from County Road 14. <br /> Mr. March noted the building is proposed to be of brick construction and encroaches 10' within <br /> the drainage easement. Ms. Broussard- Vickers said the building meets with the B1 (commercial) <br /> requirements. However, four thousand square feet buildings are identified within the light <br /> industrial zoning district. Therefore, Mr. Husnik may need to redesign the building or request a <br /> variance for the building square footage. <br /> Mr. Nyberg explained the building is proposed to encroach on the drainage easement. However, <br /> there may be room on the east side of the property to create a deep Swale so the drainage would <br /> not be hindered. <br /> Gre¢ Watson - Starfire Gymnastics (Vacant Property south of Eagle Trucking) <br /> Mr, Watson (Senior Project Manager) addressed the Planning Commission and gave an overview <br /> of the proposed building construction and the site plan for a gymnastics facility. The 15,000 sq. <br /> ft. gymnasium is proposed to be located on Clearwater Meadows outlot C. The facility will be <br /> used as a modified day care, dance studio and gymnastic training location. The owners plan to <br /> hold summer camp and Special Olympics at the proposed site. <br /> Mr. Buckbee questioned the project manager as to the height of the building. Mr. Watson said <br /> the height is proposed at 21'. Mr. March noted the ordinance allows a maximum of 35'. <br /> Ms. Broussard- Vickers questioned the engineer about the drainage concept. Mr. Nyberg <br /> explained the drainage from the rear parking lot will drain into the creek. In addition, Mr. Nyberg <br /> suggested extending the berm to buffer the residents from the commercial property. <br /> Ms. Tina Riehle (7044 Cottonwood Court) felt concerned about the drainage because water <br /> 6 <br />