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collects on the property and then the overflow drains onto her property. <br /> Ms. Pam Neulkenes (7054 Cottonwood Court) asked what guarantees do the property owners <br /> have that in the future the gymnasium will not be converted into an industrial building. The <br /> Commission replied there are no guarantees. <br /> Mr. Watson stressed a desire to obtain a building permit to ensure the business will be in <br /> operation by September 1998. <br /> Mr. Buckbee moved to recommend to the Council that the Planning and Zoning Commission <br /> recommend Starfire Gymnastics be permitted within the uses of that district and that they may <br /> proceed without a public hearing for a special use permit Motion seconded by Ms Broussard - <br /> Vickers. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Ms. Broussard - Vickers moved to recommend the preliminary sketch plan is approved with special <br /> attntion to landscaping (to mitigate the west side of the prooertvl and suggested the engineer <br /> work with the drainage issue. Motion seconded by Mr. Buckbee. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Action on Lessard Rezone Request <br /> The Commission discussed the Lessard rezone request. Mr. Buckbee commented traffic will <br /> increase with more homes and suggested leaving the property zoned, as is, commercial and <br /> residential. Mr. Lessard explained a blend of doctor offices, dentist offices' and/or business <br /> offices will make a nice transition between the residential and commercial zones. Mr. Buckbee <br /> suggested Mr. Lessard return to the Commission with an idea of how he would like the property <br /> to develop. <br /> Ms. Broussard - Vickers commented she would like to research the legal guidelines and explore <br /> why and how the property was and is zoned. Mr. Lessard stated he will sign a 60 -day rezone <br /> waiver form. Mr. Nyberg commented Eagle Pass is a PUD (Planned Unit Development) and <br /> suggested Lake Area Utilities land be developed as a PUD. Furthermore, the City's intention is <br /> to connect Eagle Trail to Brain Drive. <br /> Mr. Buckbee moved to table the Lessard rezone re uest ntil he Jul 7 1998 Plannin• <br /> commission meeting and to direct staff to renotifi the surrounding oropertv owners the issues <br /> will be revisited. Motion seconded by Ms. Broussard- Vickers. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Action of Stevens (Greene) Lot Split Request <br /> Mr. March briefed the Commission on flood plain regulations pertaining to Stevens lot split <br /> request. Mr. March discussed City ordinance #33 - Flood Plain; in summary, a structure cannot <br /> be built within the flood way. Mr. Palzer reported the state law states, in order to approve a lot <br /> split within the flood way the site must provide a building site outside of the flood way. Mr. <br /> March said the proposed lot will not have an area for constructing a building outside of the flood <br /> way. In any case, the city has authority to grant a variance to its own ordinance, but not to state <br /> 7 <br />