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Ms. DeVine also stressed that most residents are concerned with what is going on in their <br /> immediate neighborhood — not the whole city. <br /> Mr. Navin expressed that his main goal was to attend to the immediate needs of the parks. <br /> Mr. Sweeney mentioned that the Council wants to see the action plan and what actions have been <br /> taken as the Park and Recreation Committee goes forward. <br /> Mr. March suggested that the Park and Recreation Committee form some type of "grant writing <br /> committee or sub - committee" to help write grants. They can look into partnering with other <br /> organizations for the larger projects like the $300,000 purchase. There would probably be some <br /> residents in the community who would like to work on, or be willing to help with writing the <br /> grants. If this "sub- conunittee" were established, they could also help with finding out which <br /> grants are being offered, which grants most match what the City is visioning, all of the legwork, <br /> letters of support, keep the goals of the Park and Recreation Committee in mind, get volunteers <br /> to help, make recommendations to the Park and Recreation Committee and ultimately to City <br /> Council. <br /> Mr. LeBlanc stressed that he is here for that purpose, and he is willing to put time into writing <br /> these grants. Also, beyond the grants, some visions cost money that do not have grants offered <br /> for them. <br /> Ms. DeVine and Mr. Porter offered to look into the grants being offered. Mr. LeBlanc would <br /> like to sit in on these meetings and help with writing the grant. <br /> Enterprise Fund <br /> There was brief discussion regarding setting up an Enterprise Fund, and the accountability of <br /> such a fund. The Park and Recreation Committee could show the Council where/what has been <br /> spent on a semi - annual basis, or 60 days prior to the end of the year show where it stands to <br /> justify rolling over the funds to an Enterprise Fund. Mr. Navin asked Mr. March to put Park and <br /> Recreation's request for an Enterprise Fund on the next City Council agenda, which would be on <br /> December 8 1999. <br /> Comprehensive Plan <br /> Mr. LeBlanc re- iterated his visions of the Comp Plan and the Park and Pedestrian Comp Plan, <br /> adding he is willing to help in any way he can. <br /> Ice Rink Attendant Update — Steve Brown <br /> Mr. March mentioned he received a letter from the Centennial Hockey Association. Apparently <br /> the Hockey Association was supposed to use the hockey rink last year, but never did. This year <br /> they are requesting to use the rink a couple of days a week. <br /> Page 4 of 6 <br />