Laserfiche WebLink
Memorandum <br /> To: Honorable Mayor and Council <br /> From: Jim March, City Administrator <br /> Date: 12/3/99 <br /> Subject: Web Hosting, Internet Access, and Email <br /> Today Diane, Trish from Media Junction, and I had a meeting to discuss Media Junction's <br /> concern with the City's web site. <br /> As you will recall, Diane prepared a research memo outlining options and cost savings to the <br /> City if we consolidated the web hosting, internet access, email and the ability to update the site on a <br /> regular basis "in- house" to provider. As a result of this meeting with Media Junction, its partnership <br /> company could provide email and internet access, and web hosting would remain with Media Junction. <br /> This cost would be approximately $960.00 per year, compared to Minneapolis Telecommunications <br /> Networks (MTN) per year price of $650.00. <br /> Our main concern was the time taken in making corrections and uploading new information to <br /> the site. <br /> We have a couple of options: <br /> 1. Use Media Junction's partnership company for Internet access and email at an <br /> approximate cost of $30 per month. Leave the City's site at Media Junction. Media <br /> Junction would upload information with City staff preparing information for Media <br /> Junction. This would be part of Media Junction's $50 per month fee. Total per month <br /> fee of approximately $80.00 <br /> 2. Move everything to MTN for a cost of approximately $54.00 per month and staff would <br /> have to rebuild the City's site. <br /> My recommendation would be Option 1 for now to see if this method of operation will work in <br /> providing residents with current information on the City's web site. I do not feel that we currently have <br /> the excess time to redesign the City website at our own expense. <br />