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Commission. Refer to Revised Animal Ordinance for specific additions and changes. <br /> Motion by Mr. Hanson, seconded by Mr. Sheppard to make the noted changes to the <br /> Animal Ordinance as a recommendation to City Council, providing changes are reviewed <br /> and approved by the City Attorney, and the Chief of Police. All in favor. Motion carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> Firearm Ordinance Review <br /> The Commission discussed briefly sections of the current Firearm Ordinance, resulting in tabling <br /> the agenda item, and requesting copies of neighboring Cities Firearm Ordinances for further <br /> review at the October Planning and Zoning meeting. <br /> Motion by Mr. Hanson seconded by Mr. Kilian to table the Firearm Ordinance. All in <br /> favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Ordinance # 4 Review <br /> Mr. March updated the Commission on research previously conducted this year in reference to <br /> Ordinance #4. Mr. March indicated Dean Johnson from Resource Strategies had been working <br /> with the Commission on Ordinance #4, specifically dealing with, but not limited to the following <br /> issues: <br /> ► Driveway Width <br /> ► Lot sizes and zoning criteria <br /> ► Set backs in the downtown area <br /> ► Detached garages <br /> Mr. March informed the Commission that there are property owners that are waiting to hear how <br /> this Ordinance will be revised, so they can find out how large of a detached garage or outbuilding <br /> they can build. Mr. March stated the City attorney did not advise the Commission to approve <br /> variances on these properties. It was recommended the new Commission members review the <br /> proposed Ordinance #4 provided by Mr. Johnson. The Commission tabled the discussion upon <br /> further review of the proposed Ordinance. <br /> Motion by Mr. Hanson, seconded by Mr. Kilian to table Ordinance #4 discussion. All in <br /> favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Eibensteiner Building <br /> Keith Eibensteiner of Royal Oaks Realty presented a proposed building plan for the middle lot <br /> located in the Royal Industrial Park. Mr. Eibensteiner indicated Royal Oaks Realty has developed <br /> five lots on a cul -de -sac in the Industrial Park, and stated the company's intention is to develop a <br /> tenant leased business complex incorporating the same theme within the business park. The initial <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br />