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arbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific issue(s) submitted in writing <br /> by the cities, and shall have no authority to make a decision on any <br /> other issues not so submitted. <br /> (b) The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to, or <br /> inconsistent with, or modifying or varying in any way, the applicable application <br /> of laws, rules, or regulations having the force and effect of law. <br /> 9.3 Judicial Relief. <br /> (a) Any city may seek judicial relief, to the extent authorized under <br /> Minnesota Statute Section 572.08 through 572.30 as the same may be amended, <br /> and, in addition under the following circumstances: <br /> -any city fails to select an arbitrator; - designated time limits have been <br /> exceeded; <br /> -the arbitrator has not proceeded expeditiously; <br /> or <br /> (b) Costs of the suit to be awarded to the prevailing parties. The cost of <br /> arbitration shall be borne equally by the cities. Each party shall pay its own <br /> attorney's fees. <br /> SECTION X <br /> DISPUTE <br /> RESOLUTION <br /> 10.1 Dispute Process. When any member city feels that there is a mis- <br /> interpretation or a violation of the specific terms and conditions of this agreement except <br /> as outlined in Section 15.4, they may initiate the dispute resolution process <br /> by submitting a written statement outlining the dispute or disagreement. This written <br /> statement of dispute shall be forwarded to the Police Commission at its next regular or <br /> special meeting. The Police Commission will then have a six (6) month period to resolve <br /> the dispute as to interpretation or application of the terms of this agreement. If during the <br /> six (6) month period all member cities cannot mutually agree as to the appropriate <br /> interpretation or application of the specific terms of this agreement, the dispute shall be <br /> forwarded to the Anoka County Mediation Service or a similarly appropriate mediation <br /> service. If the cities can not mutually agree, through the mediation process, within 90 <br /> days as to the interpretation or application of a specific term in question, then a majority <br /> vote of member cities will initiate the submission of the issue to arbitration as defined in <br /> Section 9. <br /> to <br />