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SECTION XI <br /> WITHDRAWAL <br /> 11.1 Notice. Member cities may withdraw from the District only in <br /> accordance with this section. Notice to withdraw may only be given during the month of <br /> October, in odd numbered years, beginning with October of 2003. Such notice shall <br /> provide a minimum of one (1) year's notice to the remaining cities of the intent to <br /> withdraw. Such withdrawal would be effective December 31 on the year following <br /> notice. <br /> 11.2 Withdrawal Damages. After a city gives notice they shall have a <br /> maximum of six (6) months from the date of notice to pay the following withdrawal <br /> damages. <br /> (1) 50% of estimated unemployment cost for the number of officers for that city <br /> as calculated by the budget formula as outlined in Section 7. The number of <br /> officers shall be multiplied times the weekly maximum unemployment amount <br /> times 26 weeks. <br /> (2) 50% of the cost of accrued sick leave and vacation for the number of officers <br /> as determined by the budget formula as outlined in Section 7. Such accrual shall <br /> be as of January 1st in the year the city is withdrawing and shall be based on the <br /> officers with the least seniority. <br /> Such damages will be distributed to the remaining Cities based on their percentage share <br /> of the current Department budget contributions. The withdrawing city shall always be <br /> responsible for payment of the remaining one (1) year of contributions and shall be a full <br /> participant in the operation of the Department until its withdrawal is effective. <br /> 11.3 Refund of Damages. During a six (6) month period, following the notice to <br /> withdraw, a city may abandon that withdrawal and determine to stay in the <br /> Department. If that occurs within a six (6) month period, the damages paid to the <br /> remaining cities will be refunded to the city which had originally given notice to <br /> withdraw. <br /> After the six (6) month period, no refund of damages shall occur, even though the city <br /> may determine they wish to abandon their withdrawal and stay with the District. <br /> 11.4 Ownership of Equipment. All contributions for equipment by the withdrawing <br /> municipality shall be Lost and the property shall remain property of the Police <br /> Department. <br /> 11 <br />