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A bituminous trail is proposed along the south line of the plat (1200' long), extending <br /> from Centerville Road to the southwest corner of the property. The trail will have a 10- <br /> foot wide, 6" thick aggregate base, beneath an 8 -foot wide, 2" thick bituminous wear <br /> course. The trail will connect to the proposed Anoka County Parks trail system on the <br /> west side of Hunters Crossing. Costs for trail construction west of the plat are not <br /> included in this report. <br /> The two cul -de -sac streets will incorporate turnarounds that are larger than the typical <br /> "circular" design. The right -of -way and paved road surface area are "teardrop" shaped <br /> and identical to the cul -de -sacs in Parkview Addition. <br /> At the connection of Hunters Trail to Centerville Road, it is proposed to widen the street <br /> to provide a small median area between the east bound and west bound lanes. The <br /> median will likely have a sign and landscaping in the middle. <br /> PERMITS <br /> Centerville Road is Anoka County State Aid Highway 21. A permit is required to install <br /> utilities within the county right -of -way and to connect a new street (Hunters Trail). <br /> Permits are also required from MPCA for sanitary sewer extensions, and MDH for water <br /> main extensions. The developer has applied for the necessary permits from Rice Creek <br /> Watershed and Department of Natural Resources for construction activities within <br /> wetlands. The proposed water main along the east side of Centerville Road will cross the <br /> proposed MCES sanitary force main at two locations. MCES review and approval will <br /> be necessary. <br /> 4 <br />