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r <br /> Park & Recreation Meeting <br /> Tuesday, March 10, 1987 - 7:00 P.M. <br /> Present: Carol Pelton Steve Appel Gerald LeTendre <br /> Larry Koch Cindy Paschke Walter Neumann, Council Liaison <br /> The meeting was called to order by Pelton. A motion was made by Koch <br /> to accept the minutes of the February 10th meeting, second by Pelton, <br /> motion carried unanimously. <br /> The Park & Recreation Committee addressed the Planning and Zoning and <br /> City Council minutes. Business discussed from the minutes included <br /> the damage to Floyd Laska's snowblower, Centerville Heights and Center <br /> Oaks II developments stating that they would prefer to pay cash instead <br /> of land to Park & Recreation, the appointment of the three candidates <br /> to Park & Recreation, and the presentation of plaques to the outgoing <br /> members of Park & Recreation. <br /> Under rink business, rink attendants Mke Brinkman and Rick L'Allier <br /> and coach Greg Hill have turned in their keys. Coach Bob Mann and <br /> rink attendants Tony Rehbein and David Chu have not turned in their key. <br /> Park & Recreation request City Clerk to send out letters to the above <br /> asking them to return their keys. Coach (reg Hill stated that the bottom <br /> boards on the rink are knocked out and that one light was out for most <br /> of the season creating a hazard. Park & Recreation members request that <br /> any problems such as the above be brought up to Park & Recreation <br /> immediately. Coach Greg ,Hill also suggested that Park & Recreation <br /> let the Centennial Hockey Association use the rink Monday through Friday <br /> nights and thus be responsible for flooding and shoveling the rink. <br /> LeTendre reported that to complete the LAWCON form, Park & Recreation <br /> needs to develop a five year plan. A motion was made by LeTendre to <br /> meet on March 24th to develop a five year plan, second by Koch, motion <br /> carried unanimously. Park & Recreation will request City Hall for that <br /> night. <br /> Regarding the hockey rink, Paschke reported on the cities she contacted <br /> to see what facilities and costs they've experienced. The majority of <br /> the cities Paschke contacted suggested that permanent rinks be constructed <br /> and that the estimated cost would be between $15,000 - $16,000. Koch <br /> received similar information. <br /> Park & Recreation adjusted their 1987 budget by cutting $300.00 from <br /> their mowing expense, $250.00 from snow removal, $300.00 from attendant <br /> salaries, $100.00 from scoops, shovels and brooms, $350.00 from back <br /> drop of hockey rink, $200.00 from general maintenance, $500.00 from <br /> general repair, $1000.00 fencing of ballfield, and $2000.00 from debt <br /> reduction. $50.00 was added to plant materials under the adjusted <br /> budget. Council liaison Newmann questioned our revision of the attendant <br /> salaries due to the proposed increase in minimum wage. Park & Recreation <br /> will be asking for advisement on that matter. Park & Recreation members <br /> requested that Appel determine the balance of Park & Recreations budget <br /> by contacting the City Clerk. A motion was made by Koch that the Park <br /> & Recreation Commission have the opportunity to approve the Park & <br /> Recreation bills before they are paid excluding utility bills, second <br /> by LeTendre, motion carried unanimously. <br />