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DATE March 3, 1993 <br /> TO: John Stewart <br /> Maier Stewart Associates <br /> FROM Carol E. Zoff Pelton <br /> Volunteers Anonymous <br /> RE Centerville Parks and Trails Comprehensive Plan <br /> Scope of Work Letter <br /> Per the discussion at our February 23 meeting, the following information is <br /> offered for inclusion in the scope of services letter to be discussed at the <br /> March 10 City Council meeting. I intend to be available at that meeting to <br /> offer any further information needed and to get Council direction. <br /> Please call me if you have any questions. As always, it is a pleasure working <br /> with you and your firm. <br /> Objectives of the Parks and a Plan are proposed to include: <br /> A. Identify the cut ent and future needs via input from citizens, the Park <br /> and Recreation Committee, other City Committees and Commissions and <br /> the City Council through past data and future public hearings. <br /> B. Develop, record and officially adopt a park and trail comprehensive <br /> plan that reflects the current and future needs of the City of <br /> Centerville. <br /> C. Identify existing and potential future City properties, as well as other <br /> public properties that may be integrated into the plan. <br /> D. Identify existing City ordinances, policies and procedures that <br /> pertain to park and trail planning, development and management. <br /> E. Summarize recreation planning guidelines and standards, a survey <br /> of leisure in the Twin Cities, and other resources as that pertain to park <br /> and trail development and management in Centerville. <br /> F. Identify funding sources and time frames for development and <br /> management of park and trail facilities, including potential cooperative <br /> projects. <br /> G. Provide a document that will serve as the official policy on the <br /> Centerville park and trail system for reference by Council, committee <br /> and commissions, staff, consultants, citizens and developers. <br /> While the objectives are many, it is our intention to develop a plan that is not <br /> only comprehensive, but succinct and clear. The plan will be easy to use, and <br /> readily updated. <br />