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Mr. March questioned whether Ground Development had considered other plans prior to presenting the <br /> plans to the City. Mr. Sterm stated that they usually have one (1) plan they feel strongly about and not <br /> several plans. <br /> Commission Member Kilian questioned whether the residents to the north had been consulted as to <br /> whether they wanted a trail running behind their property. Mr. Sterm said that they had not contacted <br /> these residents, however, they would be willing to do so. <br /> Chairperson Hanson questioned whether the developer anticipated a traffic problem on Centerville Road <br /> being the only access to the development. Mr. Sterm indicated a traffic study has not been completed, <br /> but one could be done, Mr. Sterm also indicated he will be working with Anoka County with regards to <br /> Centerville Road being the only access and additional road requirements needed. <br /> Commission Member LaMotte questioned whether the development was contained in the MUSA. Mr. <br /> Hannah indicated two thirds (2/3) of the development is contained in MUSA for 2001 and the final one <br /> third (1/3) is contained in MUSA for 2005. Mr. LaMotte also questioned if the development would be <br /> built in phases based on the MUSA line. Mr. Hannah stated it would be built in phases beginning with <br /> those lots closest to Centerville Road. <br /> Commission Member LaMotte questioned how Ground Development intended to handle the <br /> development where the drainage ditches are concerned. Mr. Hannah indicated they were just made <br /> aware of the ditches and would work with the City Engineer to comply with requirements and <br /> recommendations of the City. <br /> Mr. March stated that it would be the City's preference for temporary cul -de -sacs rather than pads for <br /> turn- arounds based on the fact the turn- arounds in the past have been used for extra storage of boats and <br /> vehicles rather than turn- arounds. <br /> Council Liaison Broussard Vickers stated, as a property owner to the south of the proposed <br /> development, she would prefer to have the cul -de -sac so that it would look like the road had ended. She <br /> noted if the street appears to go through; off road vehicles, including snowmobiles, will go straight <br /> through onto her property and she would prefer not to have that type of problem. <br /> Commission Member DeVine questioned whether the City would require a park in the development. <br /> Mr. March indicated the Parks and Recreation Commission had not meet on the issue but he thought <br /> they would prefer a park dedication fee. <br /> Commission Member LaMotte questioned the type of homes Ground Development anticipates building <br /> in the development. Mr. Hannah stated they would use a diverse group of builders so there would be a <br /> diverse type of homes. Mr. Hannah stated that it is their preference to have as many ramblers and <br /> walkout ramblers as possible rather than split entry homes. He believes having ramblers rather than split <br /> entry homes will enhance the value and appearance of the property. <br /> Mr. Hannah provided a copy of the covenants and restrictions required in Ground Development's <br /> development in the City of Independence. <br /> Mr. March questioned how the developer intended to enforce the outside storage covenants and <br /> restrictions. Mr. Hannah stated that the covenants are given to builders who in turn give them to the <br /> property owners. Mr. Hannah stated he works in conjunction with the builder, the City and the property <br /> owner to make sure outside storage complies with the developer's covenants and City ordinance. <br /> Page 7 of 13 <br />