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Wayne LeBlanc <br /> 1677 Peltier Lake Drive <br /> ♦ Centerville, MN 55038 <br /> 651 -426 -0168 (home) <br /> 651- 635 -6519 (work) <br /> August 8, 2000 <br /> City of Centerville <br /> I am wondering if there are any actions the City of Centerville can take as a result of the 33,000 gallon raw <br /> sewage spill on Clearwater Creek just upstream of Centerville on June 17 and 18. I explained this incident at <br /> the Park and Recreation meeting of Aug 7, and Mr. Sweeny suggested the information be presented to the <br /> City Councii on Wednesday. I wiii be in St Cloud looking at a BivII track with Park and Rec, but Mr. <br /> Sweeny can introduce this information; then, perhaps at this meeting and subsequent meetings, actions might <br /> be considered. <br /> Please see the Summary and Conclusion below. <br /> Summary <br /> The July Hugonian newspaper reported two raw sewage spills into Clearwater Creek at the intersection of <br /> Cedar and Elmcrest Avenues (upstream, just east of 35E). One was 30,000 gallons on June 17 and the other <br /> was 2,000 to 3,000 gallons on June 18. Apparently, 10,000 gallons of raw sewage escaped downstream <br /> leaving its mark through Centerville and in Peltier Lake. The Hugoian reported, "since its construction in <br /> 1977, this section of the sewer line has broken at least 8 times." <br /> Here are questions I think worthy of answers: <br /> 1. What were the dates and quantities of the other spills? <br /> 2. With 8 sequential failures in the same section of pipe, prevention seems to have been far too low a <br /> priority. Will it remain low priority? Can anyone give some assurance that anticipation of such problems <br /> will now get high priority? Are there other sections of this or other sewage pipe leaking or about to <br /> burst? Has this been investigated, or is the intent to just wait till failures occur? <br /> 3. Notification seems non - existent. At the very least, the City of Centerville, the Peltier Lake Association, <br /> the Rice Creek Watershed District, the City of Lino Lakes, and the City of Hugo should have been <br /> notified the day of the spills. Will that be done in the future? <br /> 4. Measurement of consequences seems non - existent. (The only measure mentioned was that fecal coliform <br /> bacteria in water samples taken at the site were at background levels on June 22. I would expect such <br /> readings where a flow of water from the creek washes away the contamination. But what about the <br /> sewage that went downstream? Peltier Lake will act as a basin and hold the sewage, I would expect. Is <br /> anyone measuring the consequences of this spill? Are waters downstream safe for normal activities: Can <br /> children play in Clearwater Creek? Is it safe to consume fish from Peltier Lake? Is swimming safe in <br /> Peltier Lake? How long does it take for a contamination of 10,000 gallons of raw sewage to cleanse itself <br /> given the slow turnover rate of Peltier Lake water? Shouldn't measurements be taken to answer these <br /> questions? <br /> 5. Are there any action oriented procedures that might help Clearwater Creek and Peltier Lake speed <br /> decontamination? <br /> 6. Is there any legal recourse on this situation? Should the MPCA be involved? <br />