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• <br /> LETTERS TO R <br /> T was astounded to learn of <br /> two raw sewage spills on �f <br /> Clearwater Creek, one of t- e lt r ' 10 �d i 3 °\e <br /> 30,000 gallons on June 17, and <br /> the other of 3,000 gallons on <br /> June 18. I live downstream in <br /> Centerville. On reading further, <br /> I was shocked to see that "this <br /> portion of the sewer line has <br /> broken at least 8 times" since <br /> 1977. I've lived in this area for <br /> over 20 years, and I don't re- <br /> call any notification by anyone <br /> for any of the spills. I would <br /> like to know the quantities and <br /> dates of the other spills. I would <br /> also like to know why the prob- <br /> lem wasn't fixed after the first <br /> failure, or at the very least, af- <br /> ter the second failure? <br /> Peltier Lake seems to have 2, Notification seems non- <br /> had a Bullhead fish kill over the existent. At the very east, the <br /> last 2 or 3 weeks. Perhaps the City of Centerville and the <br /> events are related. I've seen Peltier Lake Association <br /> fish kills before, but I don't re- should have been notified the <br /> call a fish kill being so limited day of the spills. Will that be <br /> to a single species. Perhaps the done in the future? <br /> sewage went to the bottom, 3. Measurement of conse- <br /> where the Bullheads are. Could quences seems non - existent. Is <br /> someone please test the waters anyone measuring the conse- <br /> and sediments of Peltier Lake quences of this spill? Are wa- <br /> where people are swimming lets downstream safe for nor= <br /> and fishing? What is killing the mal activities: Can children <br /> fish? Is it the sewage? Should la in creek? Is it safe to con - <br /> people be consuming the fish? <br /> play <br /> Is there a danger to Great Blue a LLll1C /Jill is W hunting. ntin said <br /> Herons , Loom, Sea Gulls, and I hope this event makes ev- <br /> other birds that eat fish and eryone think more about pro- <br /> plants from Peltier Lake? tecungan r vingourpre- <br /> cious someone look into this, Wayne e e L L eBBllanc anc resources! <br /> . <br /> p lease? W Centerville, Minn: <br /> Imagine, if you will a dili- <br /> gent homeowner on Peltier <br /> Lake monitoring their septic -41 II <br /> system for small leaks to pro- f to i G 111 r.Tt } v ;<; <br /> tc ct the lake. Suddenly, the in a' 3 r .r;s a r <br /> nocent stream next door dumps ��'•._ - -��. <br /> 10,000 gallons of raw sewage <br /> into the lake. Wow! About a <br /> thousand years of small leaks <br /> just went by in a couple hours! <br /> There seems to be 3 big prob- <br /> lems remaining: <br /> Prevention and anticipation <br /> of future problems seem to <br /> have been far too low a prior- <br /> ity. Will it remain low priority? <br /> I hope not. Can anyone give <br /> some assurance that anticipa- <br /> tion of such problems will get <br /> high priority in the future? _ <br />